Ah, you're worried about the Uberstack- what we called a large & undefeatable army. There are a few suggestions that deal with this, and not all are under UNITS. Most are in COMBAT, with a few being elsewhere. In COMBAT, it has been suggested to limit stacks by technology, or more specifically, Command & Control. Stacks would be unlimited in size still, but each unit beyond the C&C limit would only add 1/2 of it's strength to the battle (how strengths add together in a battle wasn't really worked out). Exceed the C&C again and the next unit adds only 1/4, then 1/8, 1/16, etc. There were terrain limits to C&C and stacks in general. Supply Lines were suggested to limit the operational range of enemy armies. Also support costs for units could be expanded to include money & food costs per unit (under the x10 rules, I'll explain if you want). This would vary per various suggestions as some just want to keep production "as is", while many others want to incorporate specific resources for unit/city improvement/trade construction. Thus you'd need either 35 gold, 20 minerals, and 5 food (under x10 of course; 3.5, 2, and .5 respectively using current levels) if you wanted to support a battleship "unit", or 35 gold, 5 various foods, and say, 10 oil, 5 iron, & 5 wood with specific resources. Lastly (from what I can recall) some "Army" settings under SOCIAL ENGINEERING would allow for better/worse C&C but more/less support costs.
Of course some people said just limit stack size.
I don't think that I'd like "control turns", but a gradual loss of morale outside home territory, or when at war, might be useful. That would definitely help smaller nations, who tend not to invade their larger neighbors.
But if a nations can afford to field a large, well-equipped army and run quick & successful campaign then the other guy is just USC, IMHO.
Of course some people said just limit stack size.
I don't think that I'd like "control turns", but a gradual loss of morale outside home territory, or when at war, might be useful. That would definitely help smaller nations, who tend not to invade their larger neighbors.
But if a nations can afford to field a large, well-equipped army and run quick & successful campaign then the other guy is just USC, IMHO.
