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EC3 New Idea #14 - Introduction of Tourism in the game

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  • EC3 New Idea #14 - Introduction of Tourism in the game

    by Zanzibar

    <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
    </font>Introduction of Tourism in the game.
    Certain buildings (obsolete Wonders, "World's Biggest"-s, museums, hotels, casinos, "Disney Land"-s, etc), some natural resources (for example: wine, snowy mountains), natural wonders, a good reputation, a well-developed infrastructure and ...(I don't know what else, I'll wait for your ideas), to generate extra money: tourism gold.

    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

  • #2
    well, i like it... nothing really to add, but i do like the idea, a lot
    it's just my opinion. can you dig it?


    • #3
      Here's a list of what could negatively affect your tourism income:
      - war
      - barbarians (terrorists)
      - bad reputation
      - political instability (anarchy, revolution)
      - pollution


      • #4

        if asked why out of the five things to put on the new ideas thread why would this idea belong? what are the greatest strength in adding this idea? and what if any weaknesses or exploits does this idea have?

        would tourism gold be different from trade? if using the SMAC trade system could it be a trade multiplier? would the tourism structures generate a set amount of income or would it be a variable amount? would all cities have the chance of generating tourism? like for example a size 10 city in a golden age could maybe generate tourism because of its positive social conditions...while a size 10 city that had large military garrisons and/or punishment sphere's would be less likely to have tourism because of it's negative social conditions


        • #5
          I don't want do discuss here a better trade system model, just pointing out a few essential things.
          Basically, the gross income of a city is coming from 2 elements:
          1. resource processing
          2. trade routes

          1. The money from resource processing depends on: your government type, your infrastructure (road & rail) and your economic development (marketplace, bank, stock exchange);
          2. The money from trade routes depends on: number of routes, how far and how big is the city you trade with, the type of resource you're trading, and is increased by superhighways.

          OK. So, my proposal is to introduce a third element in this picture, the tourism.
          This income will depend less (or not at all) on the city size and much more on the following:
          - Certain buildings (obsolete Wonders, "World's Biggest"-s, museums, hotels, casinos, entertainment centres, etc)
          - possibly a wonder (Disney Land)
          - some natural resources (wine, snowy mountains, volcanoes, exotic animals, etc)
          - natural wonders (which can randomly appear on the map in the beginning): Mount Everest, Niagara Fall, etc.
          - your infrastructure (road & rail, airports, superhighways)
          - peace & war (tourism should drastically decrease if there is a war on your territory)
          - the percent of success fighting with barbarians (terrorists)
          - certain discoveries should also increase the tourism income: automobile, flight, telephone
          - pollution (nobody wants to see a polluted reservation)
          - the reputation of your country
          - happiness and freedom of your citizens (it is linked with reputation, because the happier your citizens are, the better they behave with tourists.)

          Finally, I want to call your attention on the fact that there are several countries in the world, which receive a huge amount of their incomes from tourism (just a few examples: Swiss, Spain, Greece, France, Austria, and I don't even left Europe yet!)

          PS. Sorry for my English. I'm still learning it.


          • #6
            Almost Final Draft

            Introduction of Tourism in CIV

            Basically, in CIV, the gross income of a city is coming from 2 elements:
            1. resource processing
            2. trade routes
            My proposal is to introduce a third element in this picture, the tourism. Tourism money will add as the third element to the city’s income.

            Tourism should appear after the discovery of railroad (or maybe automobile or another invention that gave people the ability to travel more & easily). Starting from this moment, every city that possesses a Basic Tourism Resource starts to receive money from tourists (they should exist only virtually in the game). The amount of money a city is receiving will depend on the Advanced Tourism Resources and on the Global Tourism Resources.

            Basic Tourism Resources
            They will generate a fixed amount of money, no matter how small or big the city is.
            - some natural resources (a few examples: wine, sand beaches, snowy mountains, exotic animals)
            - buildings: obsolete (or not ?) wonders
            - natural wonders (ex: Mount Everest, Niagara Fall); they could randomly appear during the map generating process

            Advanced Tourism Resources
            They will increase with a certain percentage the city tourism income
            - buildings (ex: hotels, casinos, entertainment centers)
            - wonders (ex: Disney Land)

            Global Tourism Resources
            They will increase or decrease with a certain percentage the tourism income through your entire empire
            - infrastructure development (railroads, highways, airports, harbors)
            - certain discoveries (ex: telephone, television, Internet – through better communication and advertisement)
            - pollution
            - peace & war (a war in your country should drastically reduce the tourism income in each of your cities)
            - reputation of your empire
            - the percentage of success fighting against barbarians (terrorists)
            - happiness and freedom (of any kind) of your citizens (the happier your citizens are, the better they behave with tourists)

            Now, if nobody has comments and new ideas, then the final draft is coming soon ...


            • #7

              sounds good the only thing you might want to add is that cities with alot of trade routes get a small tourism bonus added in with everything else, other than that it looks really good



              • #8
                Final Draft

                Introduction of Tourism in CIV

                Basically, in CIV, the gross income of a city is coming from 2 elements:
                1. resource processing
                2. trade routes
                My proposal is to introduce a third element in this picture, the tourism. Tourism money will add as the third element to the city’s income.

                Tourism should appear after the discovery of railroad (or maybe automobile or another invention that gave people the ability to travel more & easily). Starting from this moment, every city that possesses a Basic Tourism Resource starts to receive money from tourists (they should exist only virtually in the game). The amount of money a city is receiving will depend on the Advanced Tourism Resources and on the Global Tourism Resources.

                Basic Tourism Resources
                They will generate a fixed amount of money, no matter how small or big the city is.
                - some natural resources (a few examples: wine, sand beaches, snowy mountains, exotic animals)
                - buildings: obsolete (or not ?) wonders
                - natural wonders (ex: Mount Everest, Niagara Fall); they could randomly appear during the map generating process

                Advanced Tourism Resources
                They will increase with a certain percentage the city tourism income
                - the size and the wealth of the city (with a special bonus for Top5 cities)
                - buildings (ex: hotels, casinos, entertainment centers)
                - trade routes (as a trade center the city is better known)
                - wonders (ex: Disney Land, Olympic Games)

                Global Tourism Resources
                They will increase or decrease with a certain percentage the tourism income through your entire empire
                - infrastructure development (railroads, highways, airports, harbors)
                - certain discoveries (ex: telephone, television, Internet – through better communication and advertisement)
                - pollution
                - peace & war (a war in your country should drastically reduce the tourism income in each of your cities)
                - reputation of your empire
                - the percentage of success fighting against barbarians (terrorists)
                - happiness and freedom (of any kind) of your citizens (the happier your citizens are, the better they behave with tourists)


                One aspect of our civilisation that is completely missing from CIV is the tourism. And it's a fact that people are travelling more and more, and not only for business but also for fun and pleasure. There are several countries around the world, which receive a huge amount of their incomes from tourism and CIV should not ignore this particularity of the 20th century (and beyond).


                • #9

                  Good job! I really like to see tourism element added in CivIII.(You got my support man )

                  What about having a tourism as a part of civ's industry? Any civ can have its base industry like heavy,light or even deeper level like manufacturing or tourism.

                  Therefore if we have civ which has no mineral resource nor heavy industry but has many excellent sites for tourism, it can reinfore the industry by building more hotels or casinos,etc.

                  I know it all sounds too crude and requires lots of works but one day we will have better trade and economy system which can accomodate of this industry things and I believe there will be lots of modifications about the trade and economy system of CivII(even complete overhaul?)for oncoming CivIII.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for support, Youngsun.

                    <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                    </font> What about having a tourism as a part of civ's industry? Any civ can have its base industry like heavy, light or even deeper level like manufacturing or tourism.
                    Therefore if we have civ which has no mineral resource nor heavy industry but has many excellent sites for tourism, it can reinforce the industry by building more hotels or casinos, etc.

                    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
                    Actually, that's exactly what I proposed. Being the third element of a city's income, tourism would become a part of the civ's industry (besides manufacturing and trading).
                    It is very difficult to model an entire economy, but I hope Civ3 will do a great job in this area, especially now, when they'll have our ideas (see also the trade related threads).

