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EC3 New Idea #10 - CIVilians

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  • #16

    I like the idea of having rural pop. as a separate entity whithin the civ. Sometimes the ratio between rural and urban pop. decides what kind of charactersitc the nation has.

    But how you going to simulate rural and urban pop. into the game? I guess we have to have separate settlement like city and village(or farm)first. People living in rural area should act differently from that of citizens when they are faced with events like war.


    • #17

      Rural pop, well to tell you the truth I cant really remember all the technical stuff, its been months since i gave it serious thought, but there is alot of info on the radical ideas cause im feeling lazy Ill just cut&paste a bit...

      Radical ideas Thread
      My very first thread on civ3 forum was about just this, cities and migration...scroll down to m@niacs gives a nice summary
      BTW I still love my idea of getting rid of the settler unit

      >People living in rural area should act differently from that of citizens when they are faced with events like war.

      Let me see now.. Claiming land..that its

      For a square to become a part of your civ u have to claim it. (Move a unit to a square and claim it)
      So an enemy moves a unit to 'your square' and claims it. It takes three turns. First turn the sq has 1000 loyal citizens to you, second turn 500 loyal to you..200 have fled to neighboring squares and 300 loyal to the enemy, third turn 700 loyal to the enemy and 100 more have fled.
      The very very basic idea...that can be complicated infinitly..say with continious reappearence of partisans..bla bla


      [edit2]:links grr
      <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Dobermann (edited March 05, 2000).]</font>
      <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Dobermann (edited March 05, 2000).]</font>

