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VERSION 2: Thread Managers Needed...

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  • VERSION 2: Thread Managers Needed...

    Now that the first version of the list is done, we plan to refine our system and produce a version 2 that is hopefully more responsive to what Firaxis can use--which, according to Brian Reynolds, is not just "Put cool thing X in the game" but "Put cool thing X in the game, which will affect Y by giving it +1 in battle." In other words, we need to not only generate ideas but try to provide specific ways to implement them in the game.

    But before all of that, we need Thread Managers (TMs). The list so far looks like this (if I'm missing somebody, please let me know):

    CIVILIZATIONS: LordStone1 (on vacation to August 1)
    CITIES/CITY IMPROVEMENTS: CyberShy/VictorG. (co-hosts?)
    COMBAT: ??????
    CUSTOMIZATION: mindlace
    DIPLOMACY: Jeje2
    GRAPHICS AND INTERFACE: evil conquerer/Frank Moore (on vacation to July 27)
    MULTIPLAYER: ?????
    RADICAL IDEAS: korn469
    TECHNOLOGY: Snowfire
    UNITS: JT3
    WONDERS: EnochF

    These topic might or might not be included:

    RELGION: Stefu (maybe you want Miscellaneous?)
    SPACE EXPLOITATION: Smilo (mabye you also want Miscellaneous?)
    MOVEMENT, SUPPLY, ETC.: don Don (perhaps you could co-host the Resource Management thread?)

    If you are thinking about joining the team, here are some things to consider:


    A Thread Manager is somebody who has volunteered and been given the responsiblity of helping make the Wish List of ideas for FIRAXIS as they create Civilization 3. He or she will 'manage' a thread on a given topic--COMBAT, for example--by starting an official thread for that topic and helping the coversation along. But not just anybody can start a thread in the List forum and become a Thread Manager. The General forum is where people should feel free to start their own threads. But this List forum will be run by Thread Managers. We have chosen to do things this way so people know exactly where to post ideas they want considered for the Wish List. It's not that ideas on the General forum will be ignored, though they will likely be overlooked. There is no easier way to ensure those ideas are included in the list than by posting them in the offcial TOPIC threads here.


    One of the most important duties for the TM is to summarize all these ideas and put them in the Wish List forum for people to see how far we've come on the list. But that's only part of the job. Since Octopus has already said this so well, I'll just quote him:

    Summarizing is a huge and difficult part of the job. The difficulty isn't just reading the posts, but trying to be fair and balanced, and trying to give concise explanations of sometimes complicated ideas. Many of us can be pretty long winded, but the summaries, for the most part, need to be made up of several line "bullet point" items. Obviously, the busier the thread, the harder the summary. The other job of a Thread Manager is fostering and "guiding" discussions, but if a thread is doing okay on its own, this is unnecessary. If your thread is going fine, then all there is to do is summarize. If your thread is stagnating or getting too focussed in on a single issue, or degenerating into an argument or a flame war, you need to step in. Being a Thread Manager is not an easy job, so don't enter into it lightly. It can be fun and rewarding, too, though.
    As you can see, it can be a lot of fun being a TM, but it takes time, effort and understanding to do it properly.


    Again, I quote Octopus:

    Editing implies the capability or the authority to change things, which the Thread Managers shouldn't (and don't) really have...the job mostly involves keeping the discussion on track and producing summaries to make discussion easier.

    In my experience, a good Thread Manager interacts with his/her thread and the site in general for 30 minutes to an hour/day. If the thread is running smoothly, that time can go down. If the thread needs particular attention, that time can go up. But there is no way to know unless you are checking the thread on a daily basis. So it takes time.
    Next, the writing of a summary takes anywhere from an hour to 4 hours, depending on the number of posts in the thread, the complexity of the discussion, how fast you type, etc. Some Thread Manager have reported working 6 hours on one summary, but that is at the extreme.

    So, you should expect at least 30 minutes to an hour for daily interaction and another hour to 5 or 6 hours for summaries, which should be written every week or so, again depending on the activity in the thread.
    This means approximately 10 hours per week--but it all depends on the particular thread and how involved you are on a daily basis. The best Thread Managers, however, are normally involved to that degree.


    As you saw above, some topics are still open and you should contact me if you are interested in becoming a TM. And these things change from time to time. For example, we might decide that a new thread should be started because a new topic is so popular. Or a Thread Manager might become too busy to continue and wants a replacement. The best thing to do is to watch the forum carefully, let me know that you'd like to help, and wait for an opportunity. In any case, the most important thing is posting your ideas. Without ideas, we have no list.


    No. This is purely volunteer work for the love of developing an awesome Civilization 3 game. Firaxis might 'thank' you in some way later on, but they are in no way obligated to do so. Listening to our feedback should be considered payment enough. Also, taking such an active role in Civ. 3's development is a rare and rewarding experience in and of itself.
    If anything is unclear, or if you have comments or concerns, please post them here so we can all share in the discussion. And whether you become a Thread Manager or not, please help in the most important way possible:

    Post your ideas in the List threads so we can help make Civilization 3 a game that amazes us all.

    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by yin26 (edited July 17, 1999).]</font>
    I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

    "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.

  • #2
    BR response for the list got me worried. very worried indeed.
    Why you ask? Beacause BR asked for more "game-effecting" posts, meaning giving real ways to implamnt the ideas. Ofcourse, thats a good thing: trying to show the way the game can be effected by the changes. BUT, and this is a big but, it means that things will stay the same.
    What do I mean? I quote BR:

    "You should include the development of the Stirrup") with a thought out game effect ("Which gives all your horse units +1 to their attack strength")

    Ok, so we put a new idea: stirrup. But it also means that horse will be the same as in civ III, using the same model! I know that many people here are hoping for a STRUCTRAL change to civ, making the entire game diffeent. More realisitic combat, city management, diplomacy, research, etc.
    Indeed, and Rong can tell you this, a big portion of the suggestions are not "tweaks", like the stirrup but big, fundemntal changes.
    So, like I said before, I am worried indeed. I got a feeling, that like SMAC, civ III will include many tweaks but really won't CHANGE anything.
    I am alone in thinking this?
    "The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware he is wise" Preem Palver, First speaker, "Second Foundation", Isaac Asimov


    • #3
      I'm worried about the same thing.

      I played SimCity2000 for many, many hours, and loved the game. But when SimCity3000 came out, I did not buy it, because it was just the old game with new graphics and a few tweaks.

      If CivIII is just CivII with tweaks, I am not planning on buying it. I bought CivII after CivI because the changes were fairly dramatic. From BR's comments, CivIII essentially sounds like an expansion pack.


      • #4
        I would like to add a thread and would e happy to maage it. Thread should focus on the end game. Yeah Alpha Centauri is the follow on but how you get there and right before you do does matter.
        i.e. before CTP came out it sounde liket here was multiple futures (remember one was an environmental paradise another was a blade runner-esque dark world) as far as end game go I'm willin to maage a thread that focuses on how the game will end, what other possible endings are out there and what kinda of "futures" should we play in before we AC.

        "No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn."
        - Jim Morrison
        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

        See me at


        • #5
          Great idea E!

          Though, I would call it "Winning and Loosing", and cover all the ways the game could end.

          Or, to be even more broad, call it "Starting and Ending", and include starting conditions.


          • #6
            Until further notice, I can take care of the Miscellaneous (currently OTHER) thread.

            The best ideas are those that can be improved.
            Ecce Homo
            The best ideas are those that can be improved.
            Ecce Homo


            • #7
              I think that the goal of the 2.0 version is to shorten the list of topics. Therefor NLT, our goals it to fit the new ideas in the existing threads.
              Winning conditions should be included in the "customazition" thread. However, it's a very important subject. Several people opened up similar-idea threads. The last was Theban, if I am not mistaken. However, this isn't a big enough issue to be a 2.0 thread.
              "The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware he is wise" Preem Palver, First speaker, "Second Foundation", Isaac Asimov


              • #8
                In the spirit of things, I'll requote myself. I posted a long quote on all the possible ending conditions. This include all the ideas from SMAC, civ and some other games. I will show them here:

                * Check box - allied victory. If this is checked, all your allies gain a win with you.

                * Vendetta - The first to destory an X number of enemies wins. With allies, the number if cumultive ( 3 allies, 3 times the kills ).
                * Dominion - gaining 75% of all popultion ( with allies ).
                * Presdient - elected world president by 66% of votes.
                * Space race - arriving to alpha centaury. You can build the ship with allies.
                * Last standing - only you your allies are alive ( no more then 20% may ally ).
                * Team game - 5 groups of teams. Must destory all other civ.
                * Biggest is best - you are the biggest civ after X turns ( shared with all allies to groups ).
                * Singulary plant - a huge wonder that gives you ultimte power, winning the game. Can be replaced by any appriopte wonder. You can build the wonder with allies.

                Other victory conditions that doesn't fit in civ:

                * Tech - reaching some sort of high-end technology.
                * Ancient enemy - destorying some big "boss", like in master of orion II.
                * Cornering market - ala SMAC, controling the world market.
                "The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware he is wise" Preem Palver, First speaker, "Second Foundation", Isaac Asimov


                • #9

                  Yin has asked me to handle the recruitment of the TM's for version 2. Naturally, this needs to be done quickly - without the TM's, there are no threads, and no suggestions!

                  In addition, MarkG wants to reorganise this thread to prevent non-TM's from posting new threads, etc. So it's important to know exactly who the TM's are.

                  Hence we need a full list ASAP. If all Apolyton TM's can post here, stating their thread topic and their plans for that thread, it would be most apprediated. As well, anyone who wants to fill a vacant topic, or start a new thread (E H for instance) should also post here.

                  While it has been suggested that some threads be combined, I would personally favour dividing them into groups, where appropriate, so that TM's with similar topics can work more closely together (for instance, the combat and unit threads, or the Citys and Regions thread and the City Improvements thread).

                  Again, quick responses to this thread are most appreciated - the sooner this is done, the sooner we can get version 2 of the list properly underway.

                  (Comoderator of the Civ 3 list)


                  • #10
                    I'm willing to take over Terrain/Terrain Improvements from EnochF and Government/Social Engineering from Bell.
                    May a thread master also post his own ideas because I am thinking about a complete SE system ?
                    Yin, where can you post ideas about City Growth? There was a big discussion about that on Civ3-General/Suggestions, but I don't see it mentioned here in Civ3-The List of ideas for Firaxis. Shouldn't there be a thread about victory conditions?
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • #11

                      I might be willing to temp as a TM if somebody needed to go for a week or something, if asked of course

                      Jon Miller
                      Jon Miller-
                      I AM.CANADIAN
                      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                      • #12
                        A bit late, I should inform that I will be off-line until July 31st. Can somebody please water my plants, mow my lawn and see to it that the OTHER thread does not get spammed?

                        The best ideas are those that can be improved.
                        Ecce Homo
                        The best ideas are those that can be improved.
                        Ecce Homo


                        • #13
                          Ecce: No Problem. Jon, are you up for this?

                          Maniac: To be honest, I'd like to see terrain and terrain improvements moved into a single thread, called terrain and terraforming. As for Social Engineering, you are welcome to take this thread over if EnochF no longer wants the job. And yes, you are still able to post your own ideas, provided that your summary remains fair and open (which I'm sure it will). Read one of the old TM's pledge type threads for more details about this - basically, your job is to summarise the list, including all ideas, and relevant feedback from posters.



                          • #14
                            Hello Shining1,

                            First I am glad that you are working as Yin's right hand. (He needed one baadly)

                            I have been working with DIPLOMACY and would like to continue with it. (But if you have someone better, I understand.)

                            Currently I am still on my holiday for one week more.

                            I plan to do my resume right after we have agreed on HOW v2 should be like.

                            So as soon as we have some TM's, we need to talk about what v2 shall be. (Just tossing my two cent's)


                            • #15
                              Although (potentially) new to thread management, I've logged several multi-day marathons and hundreds of hours with the various Civs over the past ten years. The series has cost me two girlfriends already (they just don't understand the megalomaniacal satisfaction...) - but it's been worth it! I would be honored to TM the terrain/map/terraforming thread.
                              I'm standing in the middle of a dark room, holding a remote control, and the whole world is with me...

