In the SPACE EXPLOITATION thread some people offered the idea to include the possibility to set-up colonization on other planets or moons. The ideas go from simple maps where you can set-up small mining facilkities to recover resources to seperate maps where you can start conquering a new world.
This thread has the goal to elaborate furher on the simple mining facilities. How would these facilities be set-up and maintained. What are the improvements and/or sience required. What kind of resources would be mined and how does the mining take place. How do you get them back to Earth. ETC...
This thread is parallel to the general SPACE EXPLOITATION thread. So any general ideas about space exploitation should still be posted in that thread.
This thread has the goal to elaborate furher on the simple mining facilities. How would these facilities be set-up and maintained. What are the improvements and/or sience required. What kind of resources would be mined and how does the mining take place. How do you get them back to Earth. ETC...
This thread is parallel to the general SPACE EXPLOITATION thread. So any general ideas about space exploitation should still be posted in that thread.