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WONDERS (ver1.1): Hosted by EnochF

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  • #46
    Wonders should not become obsolete at the discovery of one tech - instead they could just become irrelevant.

    The Great Library will only give Ancient or Medieval advances.
    The Great Wall will not protect against Gunpowder units.
    The best ideas are those that can be improved.
    Ecce Homo


    • #47
      That's an interesting point. Just because somebody discovered Metallurgy shouldn't mean that your Great Wall is suddenly vulnerable to the legions and archers of the primitive civilization next door.
      "Harel didn't replay. He just stood there, with his friend, transfixed by the brown balls."


      • #48
        I am not sure that the computer builds wonders like that. Actually, I am pretty sure that the computer builds the wonder in a dozen different places only to keep you from capturing or sabotaging a key city and preventing the wonder from being built. The quick building is a function of cheating, not cooperation.

        As an example, I once started a game in 4000BC just so I could test combat percentages (I was creating units on both sides to see who would win and how often). I accidentally set one AI city to build Women's Suffrage and then further accidentally advanced the turn. Well, the size one village (producing one shield a turn) built the wonder THE NEXT TURN. 600 shields in ONE TURN!!! Win if you can, lose if you must but always cheat, I suppose...


        • #49
          I like Eccles Homo's last idea.

          As for paraclet:
          i'd rather have the unfair advantage of a wonder and not be able to build it than have many clones of one thing...else, it wouldn't BE a wonder, and there would be no point in building it. As for renaming: I don't like the drab and lifeless names that you gave them. however, i already accounted for the idea of renaming the wonders, so the default name would be there, and when it is built, you could rename it.


          • #50
            Two ideas:

            1) Olympics - Would give a random city in your civilization a trade and happiness boost, every few turns (5-10, probably, for balance). Effects proportional to number of friendly civs. In the later era (after television, maybe?) Effects would not be limited to only builder civ, but might appear in any city of a friendly civ.

            2) Unbuilt wonders - Instead of building wonders with shields, why not other methods? Diplomacy has been suggested for the UN. What if the first civ to send a ship clear around the world gets the Magellan's Voyage wonder? Manhatten Project a result of research, not resources? I'm sure other wonders could be adjusted too.. makes for a different kind of a race, a bit of variety.


            • #51
              I agree that some wonders should be built by other methods than production. It makes sense that you get the benefits of a wonder when you actually DO what the wonder is about, like the Magellan trip.
              I also think that it should be a lot harder to switch in mid-production between wonders that are unrelated. It is too easy in civ2 to start building a "cheap" wonder and then switch to a "better" wonder right before it is completed, and get that wonder in 2 turns. After all, I always wondered how my people could be building the Great Pyramids and switch directly to Leonardo's Worshop.


              • #52
                I have never liked the idea of wonders that are directly linked to people, such as Shakespeare Theatre, Richard's Crusade, Darwin's Voyage etc. What was wonderous were the people and their ideas not the things that were construced in Civ II. With this in mind how about an idea like this that combines some of the best aspects of the Civ II scenarios and Colonization. Instead of people wonders, their might be a Great Leader special unit/s for each civilization that MIGHT appear randomly throughout the game and that would have to effect of either a defensive bonus or offensive bonus while in a stack (like a General), adding movement to a sea stack, or a happiness or scientific bonus for a city (perhaps like plus 5 happiness/sciencemuch like some of the people wonders). These units could not be rebuilt once destroyed and would be specific to the age in which they arrived. Moreover they would last only as long as that Age to represent their life span (Modern, Renaissance etc.) Some of these could be for example, Newton, Magellan, Napoleon, Churchill, Wellington, Richard the III, Gandhi, Lincoln, Hitler, Shakespeare, Nelson, Einstein, Lenin,Mao etc. In some senses this would allow one to get rid of some of the Wonders that are tied to people. An additionally benefit would be that these units could be destroyed and would have to flee if a city was under attack. This would help to make every game special.

                I really like the "World's greatest X" idea and the natural wonders idea as well if they could be properly implemented.


                • #53
                  Another non-resource wonder idea.

                  For the "arts" wonders (Shakespeare's Theatre, JS Bach's Cathedral) how about using Luxuries in the building, somehow? What about trade as a wonder resource?

