Well, Bell, it seems to me this are the current requests:
A. bigger tech tree ( people seem to dispute on how MUCH the tech tree should be increased, but everyone would like atleast a few new tech to diverse ).
B. can research several tech at the same time.
C. blind and random research
Having split tech-tree was an idea, a good idea with historical applications, but i don't belive it has wide interst here.
However, I want to make something clear. Whatever we decide we want several narrow fields, or a small number of big catagories, EVERYONE here agrees the tech model MUST be changed.
I want people to think about SMAC. How many new ideas we had for it? While SMAC allows you, with the social changer, the specific factions and workshop to really create the empire you want, it didn't improve upon CIV II model as it should.
And while i am sure CIV III will continue this work, it won't be THAT changed.
I am sure we will keep the old one box=one unit=one city model, even if most people hate that idea.
That's for CIV IV, probaly
We need good ideas that can be added to the old model without changing to much. Beacause SM and BR will be sure to keep the old, safe, loved model. What we can change? Things that won't revoke the game too much.
That it, THE TECH TREE. It's the most open-to-renovation subject left, after most of what CAN be changed without changing too MUCH has been in SMAC.
However, if will present Firaxis will Snowfire 150 list of ideas, we are sure of not being heard. Nothing will change. The genetic, irritating "future tech +5 points" will stay. The limited, too small tech tree will stay.
We must unite, create a solid model for research ( 3 catagories or 16 major-techs, that beside the point right now ).
What we need to do?
Summarize the ideas, the tech tree. Work out what techs we need, and what can be discarded. CIV II had 82 techs. I suggest we go for something like 150. I would like more, thats true. Much more. But that won't happen.
So, let's create our new tech tree. Tell Firaxis EVERYONE wants blind, random catagorial research, like SMAC or better. And get things done. The technology thread is the most important one around.
A. bigger tech tree ( people seem to dispute on how MUCH the tech tree should be increased, but everyone would like atleast a few new tech to diverse ).
B. can research several tech at the same time.
C. blind and random research
Having split tech-tree was an idea, a good idea with historical applications, but i don't belive it has wide interst here.
However, I want to make something clear. Whatever we decide we want several narrow fields, or a small number of big catagories, EVERYONE here agrees the tech model MUST be changed.
I want people to think about SMAC. How many new ideas we had for it? While SMAC allows you, with the social changer, the specific factions and workshop to really create the empire you want, it didn't improve upon CIV II model as it should.
And while i am sure CIV III will continue this work, it won't be THAT changed.
I am sure we will keep the old one box=one unit=one city model, even if most people hate that idea.
That's for CIV IV, probaly
We need good ideas that can be added to the old model without changing to much. Beacause SM and BR will be sure to keep the old, safe, loved model. What we can change? Things that won't revoke the game too much.
That it, THE TECH TREE. It's the most open-to-renovation subject left, after most of what CAN be changed without changing too MUCH has been in SMAC.
However, if will present Firaxis will Snowfire 150 list of ideas, we are sure of not being heard. Nothing will change. The genetic, irritating "future tech +5 points" will stay. The limited, too small tech tree will stay.
We must unite, create a solid model for research ( 3 catagories or 16 major-techs, that beside the point right now ).
What we need to do?
Summarize the ideas, the tech tree. Work out what techs we need, and what can be discarded. CIV II had 82 techs. I suggest we go for something like 150. I would like more, thats true. Much more. But that won't happen.
So, let's create our new tech tree. Tell Firaxis EVERYONE wants blind, random catagorial research, like SMAC or better. And get things done. The technology thread is the most important one around.