Minor civs should have more than one city or they will never be able to keep up with technology and then will be easily conquered. I think minor civs should have 4 or less cities and posses no nukes. They will only go to war if they're chances of winning ground are good. They should be able to merge with another civ. Either join a major civ or merge with a minor to form a major. If they have nukes it would raise them to major status because they no pose a risk to any other civ major or minor.
Minor civs should easily agree to alliances since they can be crushed by a major civ. Major civs should in return concentrate more on conquering major civs than minors. I would expect that in the latter part of the game most minor civs would have either joined a major, or have been conquered by a major, or formed a major civ either alone or by merging with another minor. Minor civs could also be formed by a city breaking off of a major civ because of civil unrest.
Minor civs should easily agree to alliances since they can be crushed by a major civ. Major civs should in return concentrate more on conquering major civs than minors. I would expect that in the latter part of the game most minor civs would have either joined a major, or have been conquered by a major, or formed a major civ either alone or by merging with another minor. Minor civs could also be formed by a city breaking off of a major civ because of civil unrest.