So, I finally decided to try out a strategy that's probably old hat to most of you warmongers out there.
I had a great "homeland" for my civ but knew I was going to be doing a LOT of conquering. So, I built my Forbidden Palace in Lyons (playing as the French, bien sur) and waited to relocate my palace later.
Well, just my luck, after conquering England, Spain, Scandanavia, Arabia, Germany and parts of Russia, I had STILL produced NO Great Leaders. And I have Sun Tzu's. I've hardly had a break from war, and yet no great leaders.
So I decided to just suck it up and start building my palace where I want it, smack in the middle of my continent (Mecca).
So how many turns is it going to take me? 1000!
In case I don't get a great leader soon - I have terrible luck producing the damn things - is there any way I can speed my palace growth? Or will only a great leader do the job?
I had a great "homeland" for my civ but knew I was going to be doing a LOT of conquering. So, I built my Forbidden Palace in Lyons (playing as the French, bien sur) and waited to relocate my palace later.
Well, just my luck, after conquering England, Spain, Scandanavia, Arabia, Germany and parts of Russia, I had STILL produced NO Great Leaders. And I have Sun Tzu's. I've hardly had a break from war, and yet no great leaders.
So I decided to just suck it up and start building my palace where I want it, smack in the middle of my continent (Mecca).
So how many turns is it going to take me? 1000!
In case I don't get a great leader soon - I have terrible luck producing the damn things - is there any way I can speed my palace growth? Or will only a great leader do the job?
