I usually make a kind of walls from my infantries on the frontlines or borders, where I am not planing to attack, but only for "any case". The wall doesn't has to be all along the border, but like a "banana" beside your border cities. You can add some artillery to this wall, too. This kind of a defence helped me a lot of times. My neighboure civ used to attack the wings of my "banana" and not trying to go behind it and attack my city from back (as I would do). And they can not move on your territory fast anyway.
If I have a tiny border I build sometimes a real wall, depending on if I want them to be able to cross my country or not (because my emprire can divide his empire, or helping me in war with the other civs on the other side of my empire).
If I have a tiny border I build sometimes a real wall, depending on if I want them to be able to cross my country or not (because my emprire can divide his empire, or helping me in war with the other civs on the other side of my empire).