If I'm on the continent with the "advanced" civs of the current game, and they begin building wonders I want, then sure, I'll consider beelining for MT and conquering their wonders. Still, a civ with a good wonder like Sistine's under their belt will be able to fight back much more heavily, and the chances of their cities deposing me will be much greater.
There's nothing wrong with a knights-based war. If you strike soon, and hard, enough, you can overwhelm the first few pikemen and then be up against spears. No contest!
Obviously, cavs vs. pikes is a no brainer. But, will any civ that has Sistines and Leos, etc., have still have only pikes by the time you are ready to deploy cavs?
There's nothing wrong with a knights-based war. If you strike soon, and hard, enough, you can overwhelm the first few pikemen and then be up against spears. No contest!
Obviously, cavs vs. pikes is a no brainer. But, will any civ that has Sistines and Leos, etc., have still have only pikes by the time you are ready to deploy cavs?
