Airfields are for offensive purposes. Say u captured an enemy town and gotten a couple workers on a distant island/continent. U want to immidiately make an airfield with one of the worker. This will make you lose the worker, but you will have "instant" airfield, allowing ur main force to fly in. Rushing an airport on that city is not an option, because of high price and resistors.
Think of Airfield as free airports without trade benefits and you get the picture.
Outposts are for scouting unsettled lands outside your cultural borders. I hardly build them. Theyre only useful to check out barbarians. But if I can build a city, I'll make that instead.
Radar tower is more usefull for defensive purposes. The AI builds them everywhere in late game. Fortified Mechanized Infantries in a size 12+ city located in a hill with Civil Defense + SAM site is probably the hardest thing to capture. I hardly ever built them, as by that time I have massive military that I dont have to worry about any possible invasion anyway.
Check out "Answers on Radar Towers" thread for more info.
As for worker, call me cruel
, but I prefer to have slaves instead, even if I am Industrious. Slaves cost 0 gpt to mantain. Sure they are not as fast as my own, but having 20-30 free slave workers is a heck lot better than having to pay 10-20 of your own workers.
I've had games that I only have 3 workers of my own that I made in the ancient age until the industrial age. I also do a lot of ancient age wars so that I get a lot of slaves early on.
Another fun thing to do is to go for slave runs
, that is to find an island with a backward civ, go in, plunder all the cities, capture all the workers and bring hordes of slaves back to your main continent with ur galleons.
Making your own worker is good in the early industrial ages though, when you have 12 size city but cannot make hospitals yet.
Think of Airfield as free airports without trade benefits and you get the picture.
Outposts are for scouting unsettled lands outside your cultural borders. I hardly build them. Theyre only useful to check out barbarians. But if I can build a city, I'll make that instead.
Radar tower is more usefull for defensive purposes. The AI builds them everywhere in late game. Fortified Mechanized Infantries in a size 12+ city located in a hill with Civil Defense + SAM site is probably the hardest thing to capture. I hardly ever built them, as by that time I have massive military that I dont have to worry about any possible invasion anyway.
Check out "Answers on Radar Towers" thread for more info.
As for worker, call me cruel

I've had games that I only have 3 workers of my own that I made in the ancient age until the industrial age. I also do a lot of ancient age wars so that I get a lot of slaves early on.
Another fun thing to do is to go for slave runs

Making your own worker is good in the early industrial ages though, when you have 12 size city but cannot make hospitals yet.