I'm a bit busy for the next couple of days, but expect to have some time available over the weekend and next week -- is it time to launch another AU game?
I have the most fun with Civ when I play with all-random variables. The early game, and early decisions, seem to say a lot about individual approaches to the game when the early game starts in a vacuum. What is my research strategy? What do I focus on? Where to expand to? I think a "blind" AU start might be interesting. Perhaps our strategy and tactics might converge as the game progresses, but wouldn't it be interesting to see how our starts differ? Along the lines of Theseus' and Vel's "Winning Early" thread, putting our best foot forward in the early game would seem to offer very important lessons. Any support for a completely random AU game with the core lesson plan focusing on "taking stock and playing to one's strengths from turn one?" (I could generate a random start and then convert it into a sceanrio playable at any level, but with the same map and civs, or at least an almost "random" start
Is it time to start another? Other ideas for an AU 204?
I have the most fun with Civ when I play with all-random variables. The early game, and early decisions, seem to say a lot about individual approaches to the game when the early game starts in a vacuum. What is my research strategy? What do I focus on? Where to expand to? I think a "blind" AU start might be interesting. Perhaps our strategy and tactics might converge as the game progresses, but wouldn't it be interesting to see how our starts differ? Along the lines of Theseus' and Vel's "Winning Early" thread, putting our best foot forward in the early game would seem to offer very important lessons. Any support for a completely random AU game with the core lesson plan focusing on "taking stock and playing to one's strengths from turn one?" (I could generate a random start and then convert it into a sceanrio playable at any level, but with the same map and civs, or at least an almost "random" start

Is it time to start another? Other ideas for an AU 204?
