This is a strategy that works on rather crowded Planets including my usual : Emporer, 16 civs HUGE map:
At Emporer level, you get 70% of the food shields and tech growth of the AI, at Diety it's 60%. AI is settling everywhere, if you do the same you get beaten. There is an Achilles heel: a that expansion rate cities are underprotected.
For 30 shields you get:
a settler
0 increase in your civs population +2 increase in your civs food
For 60 shields you get
3 archers or 2 swordsmen or 2 horsemen
roughly 1 conquered city
an increse in population and food
captured workers
future tribute from another civ
a weakened civ for a future war.
To get the maximum out of war you should have your roads in place and attack ASAP, usually with just 2 cities(to keep unit costs from bankrupting you).
The Difference Between war in Civ II and III
In Civ II units were paid for in shields,so having too many old units slowed down the fight. In CivIII upkeep is in gold, so it slows down your tech UNTIL you've conquered cities with them. Also consider the luxury slider as a temporary tool to get you more science in the long term. Alpha Centuri is about 400 turns away.
60 shields =
3 archers ==> 6 offence 3 defence
2 swordsmen=>6offence 4 defence
Archers now beats swordsmen later.
Ive learned this the hard way playing the Perians, and needing archers to take the Iron.
Ive found that about 6 regular archers and a spearman is enough to start my first war (if Im producing 100% military). With this calculation, I rarely build any Barracks for my first war. By defining
Total offence = # of units * offence * experience
160 shields in 1 city=
Barracks + 6 Vereran Archers
TO = 6 * 2 * 4 = 48
8 Regular Archers
TO = 8*2*3 =48
Because I only need 6 archers to start, I want to have results by the time my ENTIRE civ has produced about 200 shields, so building barracks isn't a good idea for a nonmilitaristic civ.
The first war just weakens a civ
Eventually they'll pop rush troops, things will bog down, or you'll approach their capitol with inadequate culture. Now is the time to ask for peace.
They have now declared war on themselves
Poprushing has cut their population
Made them unhappy
And they're paying you tribute.
Now is the time to build libraries. By the time its time to fight again, maybe they'll have a government that doesn't allow poprushing.
The next enemy
If you can techtrade early, you might have money for upgrades. Maybe build warriors, THEN get an Iron contract
instant swordsmen. Another possibilty reseach enginnering , sell it. Then upgrade to longbowmen.
At Emporer level, you get 70% of the food shields and tech growth of the AI, at Diety it's 60%. AI is settling everywhere, if you do the same you get beaten. There is an Achilles heel: a that expansion rate cities are underprotected.
For 30 shields you get:
a settler
0 increase in your civs population +2 increase in your civs food
For 60 shields you get
3 archers or 2 swordsmen or 2 horsemen
roughly 1 conquered city
an increse in population and food
captured workers
future tribute from another civ
a weakened civ for a future war.

To get the maximum out of war you should have your roads in place and attack ASAP, usually with just 2 cities(to keep unit costs from bankrupting you).
The Difference Between war in Civ II and III
In Civ II units were paid for in shields,so having too many old units slowed down the fight. In CivIII upkeep is in gold, so it slows down your tech UNTIL you've conquered cities with them. Also consider the luxury slider as a temporary tool to get you more science in the long term. Alpha Centuri is about 400 turns away.
60 shields =
3 archers ==> 6 offence 3 defence
2 swordsmen=>6offence 4 defence
Archers now beats swordsmen later.
Ive learned this the hard way playing the Perians, and needing archers to take the Iron.
Ive found that about 6 regular archers and a spearman is enough to start my first war (if Im producing 100% military). With this calculation, I rarely build any Barracks for my first war. By defining
Total offence = # of units * offence * experience
160 shields in 1 city=
Barracks + 6 Vereran Archers
TO = 6 * 2 * 4 = 48
8 Regular Archers
TO = 8*2*3 =48
Because I only need 6 archers to start, I want to have results by the time my ENTIRE civ has produced about 200 shields, so building barracks isn't a good idea for a nonmilitaristic civ.
The first war just weakens a civ
Eventually they'll pop rush troops, things will bog down, or you'll approach their capitol with inadequate culture. Now is the time to ask for peace.
They have now declared war on themselves
Poprushing has cut their population
Made them unhappy
And they're paying you tribute.
Now is the time to build libraries. By the time its time to fight again, maybe they'll have a government that doesn't allow poprushing.
The next enemy
If you can techtrade early, you might have money for upgrades. Maybe build warriors, THEN get an Iron contract
