I generally play at Emperor. I find it a very sharp division in difficulty between Emperor and Deity. I can typically win most starts, excepting really bad ones where my initial starting city doesn't have a single tile in range that produces a shield, i.e. jungle starts with a few non-shielded grasslands thrown in. On the other hand, I lose pretty badly with anything but the most exceptional of starts on Deity.
Once upon a time, before 1.17f, I could win at Deity, but it required brutal pop-rushing. Since pop-rushing has been massively toned down, that's not really an option anymore.
At Emperor, I typically run an early war, with Horsemen if I can get them, or Archers or Swordsmen if I can't. Typically I mount my first attack quite early, 1500-1200 BC, and the AI civs are still expanding and not all that hard to hurt. I take a couple of cities, extort a few techs, and then move on to the next victim.
I don't absolutely have to do this, but in my experience if I don't have enough room for a Palace core area and a Forbidden Palace core area, I'm going to be the backward civ at the bottom of the list. If I can expand to cover that much area peacefully, fine, but usually I have to fight for the territory.
I just can't do this on Deity. By the time I'm ready to attack, I'm surrounded by a civ three times my size that's finished expanding, and has a military that can mop the floor with me. Worse, they've usually reached Knights when all I've got are Horsemen or Swordsmen.
I don't see how it's done without the pop-rush. Even a really early archer rush is too late - they AI is already too strong. Being peaceful doesn't seem like an option unless I have an absolutely fantastic start where I'm allowed to grow to a competitive size.
- Gus
Once upon a time, before 1.17f, I could win at Deity, but it required brutal pop-rushing. Since pop-rushing has been massively toned down, that's not really an option anymore.
At Emperor, I typically run an early war, with Horsemen if I can get them, or Archers or Swordsmen if I can't. Typically I mount my first attack quite early, 1500-1200 BC, and the AI civs are still expanding and not all that hard to hurt. I take a couple of cities, extort a few techs, and then move on to the next victim.
I don't absolutely have to do this, but in my experience if I don't have enough room for a Palace core area and a Forbidden Palace core area, I'm going to be the backward civ at the bottom of the list. If I can expand to cover that much area peacefully, fine, but usually I have to fight for the territory.
I just can't do this on Deity. By the time I'm ready to attack, I'm surrounded by a civ three times my size that's finished expanding, and has a military that can mop the floor with me. Worse, they've usually reached Knights when all I've got are Horsemen or Swordsmen.
I don't see how it's done without the pop-rush. Even a really early archer rush is too late - they AI is already too strong. Being peaceful doesn't seem like an option unless I have an absolutely fantastic start where I'm allowed to grow to a competitive size.
- Gus