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Wang Fred Which?

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  • #16
    I think the decision between Sistine (or another available wonder) and the FP is always tough -- it usually comes down to circumstance, IMHO. But given your map and situation, I'd rush Sistine (or another available wonder). The FP is the most important wonder, great or small, IMHO, but your map doesn't justify a leader-rushed FP. I'd manually build an FP close to my palace (Pusan looks inviting), and count on a later leader for a Palace relocation south. I'd then count on later leaders for Palace relocations to new continents as I expanded off of my own land mass.

    Don't know what's available, but JSB and Sun Tzu's are a little less attractive with the landmass size, Sistine's slightly less attractive with the expensive cathedrals of a noon-religious civ. I might be inclined to build an army for the HE; might be interested in Leo's; or might take Sisitine, but I probably wouldn't rush an FP here.



    • #17
      Definitely no need for a FP here, unless you're prepping it for a palace jump.

      Sistine/Bach's/Sun Tzu's are likewise out, continent's too small. Let the mainland build it and STEAL it.

      Frankly, I'd go with Leo's. Gonna need that when you upgrade to go to war. Or perhaps better still, build an army, stick those elites in it, and cut Rome to ribbons while building the HE for even MORE leaders. It's the Industrial wonders you really want, as the medieval ones won't do you much good with a continent that size.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Nakar Gabab
        Sistine/Bach's/Sun Tzu's are likewise out, continent's too small. Let the mainland build it and STEAL it.
        Sistine's effects are not limited to the continent the way Sun Tzu's and Bach's are, but I often still think twice about how badly I want to build (versus capture later) Sistine when I'm not a religious civ. Sure, I'll eventually have cathedrals in most cities, but without the half-price cathedrals from a religious civ, a significant impact on my civ's performance from the effects of Sistine come a lot later in the game for me -- giving me time to go about focusing on other things and capturing Sistine later, when needed.


