I was wondering if anyone has found an effective way of managing the cultivation of wonders in rival civs (and then of course taking over their cities).
(early game)
I'm playing the Chinese in regent level... my neighbours are the Americans to the north, germans to the southE and the Babylonians to the SouthW on my continent. I can easily build an army and kill of all these guys - taking 3-4 turns (each) to capture the 10-15 cities that each one has. However my preference is to let their cities grow (and hopefully build some wonders) and then wipe them out....thereby bagging some free wonders. Of course this needs to be managed carefully else they'll be too powerful for me to overcome.
What AI Civs have the greatest tendency to build early wonders? Is it better to kill off the militaristic or expansionist ones first?
Any ideas..... or experiences with this kind of thing?
(early game)
I'm playing the Chinese in regent level... my neighbours are the Americans to the north, germans to the southE and the Babylonians to the SouthW on my continent. I can easily build an army and kill of all these guys - taking 3-4 turns (each) to capture the 10-15 cities that each one has. However my preference is to let their cities grow (and hopefully build some wonders) and then wipe them out....thereby bagging some free wonders. Of course this needs to be managed carefully else they'll be too powerful for me to overcome.
What AI Civs have the greatest tendency to build early wonders? Is it better to kill off the militaristic or expansionist ones first?
Any ideas..... or experiences with this kind of thing?