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Builders: What kind of defensive military do I need?

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  • Builders: What kind of defensive military do I need?

    I am at heart a builder -- a perfectionist, in Civ2 terms. This was an easy thing to be in Civ2, thanks to the huge defensive bonus of city walls and the AI's inability to make war effectively; 2 state-of-the-art defenders behind a wall could hold a city easily until howitzers showed up -- and I was generally on AC before robotics ever got discovered.

    Now, of course, that's all changed. The AI uses huge armies effectively, and cities aren't the strongholds they once were. So, fellow builders, how do you keep the AI at bay? How big is your defensive military?

    (BTW, I know priority #1 should be to gain control of your continent, but in some games -- like my current one -- that just isn't possible. )
    "I have as much authority as the pope. I just don't have as many people who believe it." — George Carlin

  • #2
    I keep one or two units in my border cities (highly corrupt size 6 or less cities with walls etc in them). If anyone attacks these cities will delay them long enough for me to manufacture a military. My inner core is nearly always completely undefended.


    • #3
      Against the AI (not in MP!) 1 defender (or at most 2) per city suffices, but make sure, you have enough attackers (mobile ones, like horsemen, knights etc.) and bombardement units to push back an attack. Locate them in a way, that each city in danger (border cities) can be reached in a short time. It's hard to tell something about the number, as it depends on map size and the amount of treat, but generally at least 2 units per city should be ok and affordable (20 units for a 10 city empire, for instance).

      After Steam power and laying down rails everywhere, the defenders gain mobility and maneuvering gets a lot easier (as the attacker can't use the roads and rails), but at this time the AI tends to build huge armies of infantries, so make sure you have enough artillery to weaken them before you attack.

      Attack is the best defense. By this, I mean not necessarily to attack an enemy empire, but to attack an enemy army before it attacks you.


      • #4
        Military? What military? I usually think I should build a military but there always seems to be another improvement to build instead. Forget pride and give in to those AI demands. The last laughs on them cause while they're weighed down by massive armies you're building lovely cathedrals and banks in most of your cities. Course I usually have problems with this philosophy because inevitably someone always sneak attacks. Last time the Aztecs overan 3 of my cities with Jaguar warriors in the modern era.


        • #5
          There are a few difficulties in Civ3:

          - the AI tends to know which cities are undefended, and aims at those where it can easily reach them
          - zones of control no longer the same, so mountain fortresses 2 squares out from your city dont help
          - the random number generator that continues to produce surprising results (warriors beating vet pikemen on hills etc)
          - the mass armies that the ai send out
          - the attack & move combination for town defenders, whereby a defender who launches an attack always moves out of the town (and becomes vulnerable) if he wins, whereas in Civ 2 you could cancel the move order and leave him behind the walls.

          You can bet on every attacker taking at least one hp, and probably two, off a defender, (before riflemen) as well as outright wins. Two defenders = 8 hit points, so they will lose to 4/5 attacking units usually

          You certainly need you forward cities linked by road to the heartland. I find three defensive units to be the minimum, and they need to be state of the art, and have a barracks to repair for the next turn.

          For example, one horseman will frequently defeat a vet spearman in a town. He will at least damage him by a couple of points. Three of four horsies will almost certainly knock out two spears. When the barbs or the AI turn up with 10-20 horses, you need 3 pikes.

          Similiarly, a longbowman will often knock out a pike and will regularly inflict considerable damage.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sir Ralph
            Against the AI (not in MP!) 1 defender (or at most 2) per city suffices, but make sure, you have enough attackers (mobile ones, like horsemen, knights etc.) and bombardement units to push back an attack.
            Although I would probably agree from the general point of view, I will note here that I have lost a number of 1-defender cities to "surprise" AI attacks (those bastards know very well which cities of mine are lightly defended ...). The key point is whether you are able to reinforce once your enemy appears at the gates. If there is a road and another city nearby, one defender might do. But otherwise, I would put at least two defenders to lower the risk. My regular setup has two strongest defenders in every city (even in those deep in my territory - I consider their garrisons my "reserve" army) plus about 10-15 strongest attackers to take care of possible pillagers.

            I am playing on Standard maps, YMMV if you play different map sizes.


            • #7
              It all depends on the border you must defend.

              If you have a narrow border, with 1-2 cities to protect, you can stack up several defenders (3 or so) in each, throw in a bombard unit or two in each and then divide whatever mobile attack force you have between them.

              If you have a long border, well, that's more problematic. In that case, I would hold the mobile attack force back a bit in a city that is more or less equidistant from your border towns, such that you can dispatch them to the city under attack quickly.

              A major factor in this is culture, or more specifically, the effect your culture has on the border. If you can force the AI to move 3 tiles (tile, tile, city) prior to being able to hit you, you're relatively safe prior to Cavalry (or Riders, if dealing with China. In which case, why the hell is china still alive?!). If you have the workers to spare, you may want to set up a line of forrest that will eat up 2 movement points for any advancing AI units. I generally don't do it, but I could see it being useful in some situations.

              Emptying the core to protect the border is fine, though I tend to keep coastal cities defended and have old swordsman units in some of them, just in case the AI gets frisky with a galley (I typically have no offensive navy until destroyers). That, or I shadow any AI ships with a knight/cavalry unit. They can keep up.

              If I'm concerned that the AI will attack me, I will invest in walls for cities < 7. They aren't CivII walls, but they will help.

              Finally, you may want to deliberately leave one city underdefended compared to the rest. The AI will probably... ok, definitely... hit that one. Set that one up such that it will take more than a 1-turn sneak attack to get there (plant some forest, or just pick a city will hills or mts they must cross to get to) and keep your attack units nearby.

              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Arrian
                It all depends on the border you must defend.

                It also depends a lot on what Difficulty setting.
                At Regent, I'm able to build 6-8 cities before worrying about defenders (if I have Sedentary Barbs), at which point, if I'm industrious, it's easy to tell which cities will be good at cranking out units really fast.

                I generally use 1 spearman/pikeman until it looks like war or late-Middle ages, at which point I might put 2 pikemen/musketmen in all border/coastal cities.

                By Nationalism, I want 2 infantry in every city, mostly because my military is often much weaker than the AI, inviting attack.

                If I'm really behind in the mid-late Ancient, I'll use upgraded regular Swordsmen in new cities until I get around to building a spearman.

                "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                • #9
                  "The best defense is a good offense," Mel, the cook on Alice

                  I usually have a two defenders per city on the outside and pleny of offensive units waiting to strike. The AI rarely seems to use stacked defense/offensive units to attack you with, so your best defense is to destroy the attacking units with your own.

                  I learned early on that not building offensive units is the mistake. I saw a large persian Immortals army overrun my two pikemen per city defense. The end of my glorious builder empire was at hand and a tough lesson learned. Build offensive units and keep them near the border cities to destory AI armies as they march to your cities.


                  • #10
                    The best defense is a good offense!

                    You don't need a lot of defensive units. I go with 2 per city and a few extras along the borders. I always have at least a medium size offense of current units to destroy attacking units.

                    What you really need to do is come over to the Dark Side with us other former builders.

                    Mine almost all of your tiles. Never raise the science rate past 10%. Pack those cities together around your cores. Build barracks, temples, marketplaces and a whole lot of military. Jump into battles early and often.

                    War is Good!!!


                    • #11
                      Answer: "A large one."

                      Typically I aim to have two defenders per city as soon as possible, with an extra defender + defensive artillery unit on any city within striking distance of a major threat. Keeping interior cities garrisonned in peacetime stops your empire from looking like too tempting a target and forms a very easily managed pool that you can readily draw on in wartime (very readily, once you get railroads). You'll want offensive units too, of course, and however much artillery you can muster--catapults and cannons won't do much against fortified defenders in cities, but they work fine for pounding units in the open. If you have proper amounts of defensive units + artillery positioned where you can bring it to bear in times, you'll have practically no losses in your offensive units.


                      • #12
                        In decreasing order of importance:

                        1. Level of difficulty. (At Emperor & especially Deity AI starts with extra military units)

                        2. Your neighboring Civs agressive stat. (The more agressive the AI is the more units you need yourself.)

                        3. Width of the fronts. (Narrower front -> More units per city on them)

                        4. What Civ are you playing as?

                        Actually, the Civ III AI has no clue about how to handle an army of units effectively. It will let attack units get widely seperated from defense units.

                        What it does know is how many military units you have in each city on their version of the World Map. Yes, they see which cities you have that have no defensive units, so use that fact against them by picking a designated city or two to leave empty to lure the AI towards them while your main force sweeps it and takes out the AI cites behind them.

                        If playing a pure builder civ, your going to have to give in to demands, but you still need enough defensive units on your border cities to keep the peace. Never disband a stone age unit even if it can't be upgraded because there is no military unit so obsolete that it weakens your military strength in the AIs opinion.
                        1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                        Templar Science Minister
                        AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                        • #13
                          ALL OF YOU:

                          STOP putting in 2 defenders per city!! If you are in Republic or Democracy, you don't need ANY in the heartland.

                          Civ2 habits die hard.
                          The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                          Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                          • #14
                            I agree totally. Sticking defenders in cities which'll never get attacked is such a waste.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Theseus
                              ALL OF YOU:

                              STOP putting in 2 defenders per city!! If you are in Republic or Democracy, you don't need ANY in the heartland.

                              Civ2 habits die hard.
                              Depends on WHEN this is, no?

                              If your entire "core" is your whole empire, yeah, 2 per.
                              Which is the case early on.

                              Once you do have cities that are 1 or 2 levels inside your border, sure, skip the units, that's what Railroads are for.

                              Early on, though, my "empire" is usually small enough that any city is a potential target.

                              And I never played Civ2. I just never end up disbanding/moving my old units. Laziness.

                              "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos

