I am at heart a builder -- a perfectionist, in Civ2 terms. This was an easy thing to be in Civ2, thanks to the huge defensive bonus of city walls and the AI's inability to make war effectively; 2 state-of-the-art defenders behind a wall could hold a city easily until howitzers showed up -- and I was generally on AC before robotics ever got discovered.
Now, of course, that's all changed. The AI uses huge armies effectively, and cities aren't the strongholds they once were. So, fellow builders, how do you keep the AI at bay? How big is your defensive military?
(BTW, I know priority #1 should be to gain control of your continent, but in some games -- like my current one -- that just isn't possible.
Now, of course, that's all changed. The AI uses huge armies effectively, and cities aren't the strongholds they once were. So, fellow builders, how do you keep the AI at bay? How big is your defensive military?
(BTW, I know priority #1 should be to gain control of your continent, but in some games -- like my current one -- that just isn't possible.
