Im playing this Monarch game. Standard map, everything turned on...
I clean up the civ next to me with an Archer rush, get to the GL first, go to Monrachy, and duke it with the Zulu for a bit gathering in 3 cities before I call it quits for a couple of techs and another city. I go to Republic about that time and settle in for the long haul. I figure on waiting for Knights and then finishing off the Zulu to my south. I have a thin strip of land to my east leading to Babalon who is about the same tech level and size as I am. I have a ROP with them and they like me.
So anyway... About the time I get Knights, I notice the Zulu running what looks to be their entire force of Swordsmen past me along the land bridge to Babalon. I think at first they are getting ready to back stab me but then I notice that they have a city down along the coast of Babalon. They must have run a ship over there and dropped a settler. So I figure they are just getting a force over there for defense, but i'm wrong. After the train of men gets to like 20 long heading along the bridge, the Zulu declares war on Babalon.
Now this is not a smart move. Both Babalon and I have Knights, and the Zulu only has Swordsmen and Longbows. So I sit back and watch the show.
Since I have cities all along the land bridge, I'm in view of the whole battle as it happens. The Zulu make a rush at the first Babalon city, but never make it. Babalon comes out with what must be about 12 Kinghts and an assorted group of Longbowmen and Swordsmen, and just lays waist to the attacking Zulu force.
About this time I notice the Zulu train of men is getting kind of sparse. So I figure, what the hell, and I move two attack groups of Knights and Immortals over to attack range of two Zulu cities and declare war.
As the attacking Babalon force is cleaning up all the Zulu forces in the clear, I take 4 cities in quick succession. Hehe... It was glorious! By the time the Babalon force arrived at down town Zululand I had all the large cities and was in the process of taking the capital. The Babalon force ended up getting only two of the existing 8 cities after loosing about half his forces.
About this time I figure out that I have about double the force Babalon has, and as he is moving his forces back toward his main group of cities, I upgrade my Knights to Calvalry, declare war on him, and attack. I take the two cities he just took from the Zulu, clean up his battle torn, strung out troops, and move on up to his border. I take two of his border cities before going to peace and getting two techs in the process.
I love this game!
I clean up the civ next to me with an Archer rush, get to the GL first, go to Monrachy, and duke it with the Zulu for a bit gathering in 3 cities before I call it quits for a couple of techs and another city. I go to Republic about that time and settle in for the long haul. I figure on waiting for Knights and then finishing off the Zulu to my south. I have a thin strip of land to my east leading to Babalon who is about the same tech level and size as I am. I have a ROP with them and they like me.
So anyway... About the time I get Knights, I notice the Zulu running what looks to be their entire force of Swordsmen past me along the land bridge to Babalon. I think at first they are getting ready to back stab me but then I notice that they have a city down along the coast of Babalon. They must have run a ship over there and dropped a settler. So I figure they are just getting a force over there for defense, but i'm wrong. After the train of men gets to like 20 long heading along the bridge, the Zulu declares war on Babalon.
Now this is not a smart move. Both Babalon and I have Knights, and the Zulu only has Swordsmen and Longbows. So I sit back and watch the show.

About this time I notice the Zulu train of men is getting kind of sparse. So I figure, what the hell, and I move two attack groups of Knights and Immortals over to attack range of two Zulu cities and declare war.

About this time I figure out that I have about double the force Babalon has, and as he is moving his forces back toward his main group of cities, I upgrade my Knights to Calvalry, declare war on him, and attack. I take the two cities he just took from the Zulu, clean up his battle torn, strung out troops, and move on up to his border. I take two of his border cities before going to peace and getting two techs in the process.

I love this game!