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Help me, AI is just building Paratroopers instead of Tanks

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  • Help me, AI is just building Paratroopers instead of Tanks

    I MODed Pratroopers to 8/10/1 unit, and when AI gets needed tech, it builds them instead of Tanks.

    Is there are way to prevent that AI suicidal behavior?

    Is the same thing happening with original Civ3 paratroopers?

    Luckly this behavoir stops after AI gets Modern Armor.

    Maybe making them Defense AI unit would be temporary solution?

  • #2

    Does the AI have the strategic resources it needs?

    The AI does build paratroopers even when they're not modded when it should be building tanks in 1.29f, and then uses them very strangely. But I don't think it builds them exclusively instead of tanks.

    I think that making them a defensive unit will not help the AI use them properly.
    "It might be a good idea." -- Mahatma Gandhi, when asked what he thought of Western Civilization.


    • #3
      Paratroopers and Tanks need same resources: Oil & Rubber.

      As far as I have seen he uses them as pure offense form (like Tanks without airdroping).

      (maybe he builds Tank or 2 somethimes, not sure about that)

      As for defense flag, I was thinking that since usualy AI uses defensive units for pillaging, he would use Paratoopers in such role.

      On the other hand, he would porbably use them for pure defense too (and that won't be bad with it's def. rating of 10, exept if he starts suing them INSTED of Mech. Inf. which would be disaster).


      • #4
        Help me?

        Help the AI, it seems to need it better...
        So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
        Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


        • #5
          I sent a mail to Speed Bump (Barry Caudill) about this, and here is response:


          This time I'm not mailing because of the new update.

          It's just about one little "AI problem"

          AI is just building Paratroopers instead of Tanks (in this MOD).

          When AI gets needed tech, it builds them instead of Tanks.
          (paras have 8/10/1 stats)

          Is there are way to prevent that AI suicidal behavior?
          Is the same thing happening with original Civ3 paratroopers?
          Is that a BUG?

          Luckly this behavoir stops after AI gets Modern Armor.

          The way it is now, I have no idea what to do.

          Andrej Damjanovic (aka player1)
          Free MOD developer
          Speed Bump:

          See Soren's answer below. We just made a change to the AI for PTW that
          should fix this problem. The AI will no longer put such an emphasis on
          operational range. Thanks for the update.


          Barry Caudill
          QA Manager
          Firaxis Games
          From: Soren Johnson

          It is almost certainly the increase in operational range... although the
          stat changes might make a difference too. I would suggest increasing the
          cost, or decreasing the range and/or the ADM. You could probably get
          away with just decreasing the range.

          For now, I think i'll reduce operation range back to 6 for paratroopers.

