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Pointless things I do

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  • Pointless things I do

    I have this habit of telling myself the story of my civilization as I play (I am usually the good guy but some days I have a bad day at work and then I start a game as the Chinese and just play to get in to fights - but that is another story).

    Anyway, I frequently get myself in to wars for completely stupid things - and I do it willingly. An example: current game, Monarch, dry old terrain - not many really productive areas... I control half a continent, Romans have the other, I am one tech from Modern and just kind of rolling along, cleaning up terrain and pollution, waiting for the win. (BTW, I also am building tanks and destroyers like crazy just to keep the Romans calm). The English, who I dislike, have their civ on the other continent and one city on my own. I don't mind their one pitiful city - it's kind of cute and provides a place for my citizens to go buy cheap trade goods and pick up hookers - I even built a RR to their city to help them develop (remember this post is about pointless things!)

    So the crappy Babylonians attack the English. It is Babs 20 cities to English 6 cities. The Aztecs and and the Greeks pile on when the English are down to two cities. This Ps me off and I decide to protect the English. I don't want to MPP with them, but I surround their pitiful little city with workers and tanks so they cannot be attacked. Well, the crappy Babs drop a pile of 8 inf and cav about 5 squares up the coast from the city (past the end of my line of tanks and in MY territory. "Hey, crappy Babs, leave my territory! You tried this before and got sent home crying. Don't piss me off or I will be at your door in about three years - have you forgotten what happened to the Persians already?"

    Reply from Babs, "Uh, duh, we declare war." (to the accompaniment of drooling and knuckle dragging). OK, I cash in a stacked leader to make an army (I want heroic epic), and get my army victory. Then, I bring out all my stockpiled elite cav and attack until I get another GL to stash for Man Proj/UN/SETI or something. Mop up their troops. Build a couple more transports...

    Then the wife comes home and I have to wait how the story turns out...

    OK, so why did I "adopt" the English? I usually eradicate them if given a chance. I just hate AI "piling on." So weak. The result is that I got myself into a stupid overseas war that will take me about 10-12 turns to resolve.

    Just to show how silly I can be, I am playing my all time fav civ - the French. Yes, the whole world will be speaking FRENCH! The first space ship will be FRENCH! The UN will be FRENCH! FRENCH, FRENCH, FRENCH!

    OK, I will save my other silly stuff for later since this post is a little long.


  • #2

    and then they say the AI makes stupid random decissions

    Nice story

    I often 'protect' very weak civs too,
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • #3
      L'enfer, c'est les autres Civs.
      The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

      Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


      • #4
        I have the most fun when I have a challenging game and when I weave an entertaining story of my civ in my own mind.

        Protect the pitiful English - Elizabeth is know the world over as a grateful and trustwrothy ally .



        • #5
          Golden Bear, if I could come with those stories, I would be having more fun. Anyway, it seems like it will reduce the bordom of just waiting around.


          • #6
            A point about the AI "piling on". In my last game, the AI piled on me. They also piled on everyone else too.

            (I've modded my game so arty, radar arty, bombers, stealth bombers, battleships and aegis cruisers have lethal sea bombardment and cruise missles have a range of 4.)

            At the time my defences were near impregnible and I had no interest in 'their' cities, so I parked the modern armour in a back area and ramped up production of cruise missles. Very few ships actually reached my coast, even fewer landed any troops and none left it.

            A little later, germany and babylon were at war with each other and with me and there was this city close enough to my border that I could see the defending unit. So each turn, I'd use cruise missles to wipe out the defenders (didn't matter who's ) so the other side would capture it. This city started at size 14 until the germans decided to ruin my fun by razing it. (I then cruise missled those responsible)

            Also -
            If you listen carefully, you can hear the passengers screaming when you sink a transport.

            When a swordsman dies, he 'overacts' the death. If you look carefully, they seem to do a little jump and then falling over dead.
            There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


            • #7
              OK, I will jump into the thread that I started... but a quick silliness.

              Qilue started to remind me...

              two other civs are sharing a continent... I had a war with one and own a toehold city. But I really do not need any more land. Well, the two civs (Persia and Rome) are going at it hammer and tongs with tanks and MI and bombers and, well all kinds of bad stuff. The Persians are winning.

              So.... I airlifted a bunch of units in, got ROPs with both sides and created a zig-zag barrier across the continent. Every turn I would step it forward or back one or two cities and watch the fortunate civ demolish the isolated forces of the other. I did this for a looong time. They finally declared peace (boo!).

              Oops, staff meeting coming up. "Yes, yes, be right there, just updating my technical prospectus (or something)..."



              • #8
                LOL good story. I do my fair share of useless stuff as well.

                Last game, the Japanese got beaten really bad by the Romans, and at one point, I noticed they had no cities left. I wondered how that was possible, untill I saw a little red dot in the great ocean between the 2 other continents. A little island, consisting of a forest and a mountain, now provided the Japs with a home. It was really depressing to see Togakuwa like that, all alone on his mountain, so I built some cities in a far off corner of my empire (I did give them silly names, of course ) and 'donated' them to the Japanese, sent some workers to 'work for them' and patrolled his borders with Cavalry 'to protect them'.

                But then the Romans found out. By this time I got to look at the Japanese as my 'bonzai-civ', so the Romans were gonna get it! I was really putting the smack down on 'em, and then suddenly, my red pet-cities turned blue. Stinky Romans launched a surpise attack, and took the Japs out in no time!

                Of course they paid, but it was a shame to see my little project get blown to smithereens by some stupid Roman conqueror. Togakuwa wasn't doing anything wrong in my backyard
                The willow knows what the storm does not; that the power to endure harm outlives the power to inflict it


                • #9
                  Prince - nice touch! I'm going to steal your idea and make a gift of some cities to the English. Of course they might be Bab cities.

                  I gave the English Nationalism and 500gp in hopes that they would build some riflemen and defend themselves, but they seem sort of limp and lifeless.

                  Poor little Lizzie, all alone like that. Joan has hair but shaves her head and Liz is bald underneath all that. No wonder she is so mean all the time!


                  "Banzai civ" is a classic!!


                  • #10
                    Should be "bonsai-civ" not banzai.
                    Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                    • #11
                      I love playing a 16 player civ game in prince or warlord mode (my skill level is around at monarch and I find emperor challenging in 16 player situation) and establish quick dominance by the time I enter industrial era by declaring war and chewing them one civ at a time. When I have the selected cities that I want as my empire, I simply give away the others to the weakest. The goal of this weirdie game is to keep all 16 player alive. usually some do fall in the beginning though. If game slows down too much, then I start relocating empire based on what I feel they should be. Then I create super empire by giving cities mostly to one civ when it gets even more boring. That way i can topple down another challenging civ again.


                      • #12
                        I like to avoid letting any AI civs get wiped out too, unless I'm trying to let another civ grow into a worthy superpower rival. I also deliberately set up long-standing alliances, even though they're not particularly favorable, and after Nationalism I set up MPPs with closest allies and honor them wholeheartedly (rather than declaring war and then just staying at home).

                        Also, whenever I'm fighting a war alongside my allies, I try to keep firm control of as much territory as possible, but when the fighting dies down I hold imaginary negotiations and divvy up conquered territory as I see appropriate, largely based on geographic positioning (giving conquered cities to whatever allied power is closest) but with other (generally equally imaginary) considerations as well.

                        Oh, and very ocassionally, when another (non-hated-enemy) civ is about to be wiped out and I'm not in a position to do anything about it, I'll offer them asylum and give them a small city for a government in exile.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tuberski
                          Should be "bonsai-civ" not banzai.
                          Nevertheless, what I wrote was 'bonzai', and that's wrong Sorry.

                          Good luck Golden Bear, and keep us updated on Lizzy. I'd be surprised if she actually starts being nice for a change, I've never seen her nice
                          The willow knows what the storm does not; that the power to endure harm outlives the power to inflict it


                          • #14
                            Of course it is "bonsai," not "banzai." I was (ahem) at work taking a short break and obviously got two thoughts running in my head at the same time!

                            I have only the tiniest update since it was Friday night and my wife expected to actually spend time with me!!

                            However, since there was a war, I decided to make it a good one. First, the Aztecs (neighbors to the Greeks on the other continentz) declare war on me. This is what might be called a "premature" piling on since the other civs are tankless and yours truly has no such problem.

                            The Greeks are in between the Aztecs and Babs (on their continent the civ order from N to S is this... Babs [captured England]/Aztecs/Greeks/Babylonians. The obvious ploy was to get the Greeks involved in the war - I could have done this first and probably gotten a peace proposal from Babylon, but hey, it's my game! sometimes a short war livens things up!

                            BTW, I am in Republic and have lots of cash, so I can hang in a war for a while - I missed Sistine by a turn early on because I could not get a GL at the correct time. The Babylonians have it, and will soon give it up, I think.

                            The next thing I do is to get Rome on my side just so that they do not think too hard about the big back-stab while I am sending troops overseas. However, once again, they are marching legions around in front of my tanks. Maybe they are ceremonial honor guards or something. Now the entire world is at war with somebody. My big concern is how it will end - I do not want Rome to be too powerful. I am pretty certain that Rome will want to test me sometime, although they pretty much like me.

                            On the English front, since Aztecs, etc. managed to get troops next to Leicester (the outpost English capital at the far dirt road extremity of my, err, Republic), I gave them a nice size 9 city at the end of a peninsula. I can block the peninsula with one infantry and the city itself was one of the ones that only produces a single shield. Besides that, it smells like fish. A suitable place for Liz to be holed up. The interesting thing to me is that my new minion Elizabeth is actually Polite! I have never seen her polite to me before! Of course I usually just start attacking the English when I see them, but still...

                            Last tiny detail... I sent a single transport over to the Backwards continent and dropped off 7 tanks and an infantry at the margin between the Aztecs and the former English country. The tanks rolled off into a countryside of mud and dirt roads lined by the usual miserable dirt huts that I expect from the Aztecs. The Aztecs ran up a couple of local defence troops - Knights and watched as I took down a size 5 town. I razed the town since it sat on one of the two roads into the north and I do not want a stronghold at my back and do not want to have to defend it - think of Sherman's march. The next turn I started taking back the English towns.

                            I have more transports marshalling and they will probably go south to the main Babylonian holdings.

                            I'll try to post my most recent save, although I am not confident that it will work. Keen observers will note that my navy is currently undersized and only consists in destroyers. I usually only build destroyers and Aegis cruisers because I think the cost for benefit is much better than for battleships.

                            More to come if people remain interested.


                            hmm, now the Babs want peace. Nope, they are not crying loud enough yet! no dice!
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              You got a nice game going there! I took a look at your save, and here's a few things I'd be doing in the next turns:

                              1) Take the 3 northmost Bab cities and give them back to the English, so they can help you later on against the southern Babs and maybe even the Aztecs, although they might be already be dead before they produce their first unit.

                              2) Have no mercy on the Aztecs and exterminate every last one of them on the east continent. You could either raze their cities/donate them to the english, or rush build temples and keep them. I recommend the latter if you're going for domination (which is very possible in this game).

                              3) Go through Greece (not sure if you have a ROP yet) and treat the Babs to some extermination style Joanne! This will be a little tougher than the Aztecs, but they'll suffer more than you do, especially if you've established a good base or 2 north of the Greeks. If you conquer all or most of the Bab cities and develop them, you should have a domination victory really close.

                              4) Thank the Greeks and possibly the English (depending on how much they helped you ) by chasing them off the east continent. You want that pretty land for yourself, and domination will rest assured.

                              5) Build that Military Acedemy, even if it's just for style bonus

                              6) Warfare with the Romans is going to be tricky unless you build up plenty of defense (something you don't have that much of on your home continent) soon, so you might want to keep them around, certainly when they're helping you with obliterating the Babs.

                              7) Space Race should be easy with all those big shield cities you got from India, and your own near paris of course. Besides, you already have the tech lead. Spacing is the easy way out for this game, though If you really want to end things with a bang, go for conquest. The Romans are to be feared most, I guess, if you give them a little time to develop

                              I attached a little screenshot, as I thought this an extremely funny picture. A good little Gardener working your Palace's backyard, I can almost hear the wife calling from Pergamon, 'time for dinner, Alex!'
                              Attached Files
                              The willow knows what the storm does not; that the power to endure harm outlives the power to inflict it

