I was wondering how it is to kick asses from the very beginning and to threaten instead of being threatened, sooo, here I am, playing for the very first time the role of a bad, evil, warmongerer despot 
Chosen civ: the Chinese.
Setup: Monarch, standard map, 8 civs, everything random, all victory conditions on.
The map has 2 big continents, 2 smaller ones and some islands. I started on a big continent, between the japanese and the indians. The starting position was a perfect excuse for my first evil strategy: the archer rush!
First war: With only 2 cities (Beijing and Shanghai) I managed to conquer 3 or 4 indians cities, destroy others, extort some techs and later to completely destroy the indians. Unfortunately, the japanese grew quite big in the meantime, so I was busy for a few turns to build cities and then started to build my second army of devils: the Horsemen!
Second war: I took 6 or 7 japanese cities, who were obviously happy to join the growing chinese empire
(do you think I'm exxagerating? :innocent:
) So far things were going well, I was having a good amount of territory, luxuries and resources and I was scientifically anvanced. Only those pesky people were complaing about culture, but who needs those useless improvements, when I had barracks to build? After I secured some strategic positions, panicked because I was losing the wonder races (unfortunately no leaders so far), I couldn't help myself and [embarassed]I stopped the war and made some development. [/embarassed]
Of course development means not only temples and marketplaces, but also heading for the next target on the science chart: Chivalry. Once my wise scientists discovered the stirrup, the japanese had really something to worry about: the chinese Rider. They were foolish enough not to accomplish my demands, so the second chinese-japanese war started in 1335.
Attached the beginning of the war. Chinese are light blue, Germans: dark blue, Persians: light-green, Aztecs: dark green, Babylon: red, Zulu: yellow, Japanese: dark red. The japanese were having 2 cities sorrounded by my borders and I conquered these quickly. The rest of their teritorry was north from me and it was a long-long war until I completely conquered them. (arghhh, those bloody samurais; they are so damn tough!).
I've got 3 or 4 leaders from this war and built an army (and later the Heroic Epic), the FP and a wonder or two.
Right now it is peace and the people are hapilly building cathedrals and libraries (we, despots, are so kind, benevolent and warm-hearted; people misunderstand us *sigh*).
More to come ...

Chosen civ: the Chinese.
Setup: Monarch, standard map, 8 civs, everything random, all victory conditions on.
The map has 2 big continents, 2 smaller ones and some islands. I started on a big continent, between the japanese and the indians. The starting position was a perfect excuse for my first evil strategy: the archer rush!
First war: With only 2 cities (Beijing and Shanghai) I managed to conquer 3 or 4 indians cities, destroy others, extort some techs and later to completely destroy the indians. Unfortunately, the japanese grew quite big in the meantime, so I was busy for a few turns to build cities and then started to build my second army of devils: the Horsemen!
Second war: I took 6 or 7 japanese cities, who were obviously happy to join the growing chinese empire
(do you think I'm exxagerating? :innocent:

Of course development means not only temples and marketplaces, but also heading for the next target on the science chart: Chivalry. Once my wise scientists discovered the stirrup, the japanese had really something to worry about: the chinese Rider. They were foolish enough not to accomplish my demands, so the second chinese-japanese war started in 1335.
Attached the beginning of the war. Chinese are light blue, Germans: dark blue, Persians: light-green, Aztecs: dark green, Babylon: red, Zulu: yellow, Japanese: dark red. The japanese were having 2 cities sorrounded by my borders and I conquered these quickly. The rest of their teritorry was north from me and it was a long-long war until I completely conquered them. (arghhh, those bloody samurais; they are so damn tough!).
I've got 3 or 4 leaders from this war and built an army (and later the Heroic Epic), the FP and a wonder or two.
Right now it is peace and the people are hapilly building cathedrals and libraries (we, despots, are so kind, benevolent and warm-hearted; people misunderstand us *sigh*).
More to come ...