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Deity with 16 civs on tiny map

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  • Deity with 16 civs on tiny map

    I tried this setting once, and found it to be VERY difficult. But I think the difficulty is in the early game, since the AI has so many extra units and your capabilities are limited to do limited time and space to make cities before their is no more room. In two games I simply tried to stockpile best unit I had available in the early game (Swords/archers in gamw with no horse or iron) and then attacked when I had 6-8 units. The game with the archers I had some success actually and took 3 cities and grabbed 3 techs in return for peace. I didnt the game any farther at this point.

    I started second game, with with access to iron, but I was having trouble getting enough units with my funds to launch a successfull attack on the aztec's capital (I wonder if 7 additional swords as opposed to 7 catapults would have been better) They were not bringing the population down like I wanted it to (it was size 12, I only got it to 10 after 10+ bombard rounds. I attacked with 9 vet swords and couldnt take it.

    Your thoughts on early strat in this type of game and whether to use units vs catapults.
    Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
    Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team

  • #2
    It might be good idea to play as the Aztecs. It might be possible to mass Jaguar Warriors very early and use their speed to intercept AI settlers and workers. If you can cripple the AI's expansion by taking out their settlers then you will be at a great advantage.
    If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


    • #3
      LoL. Great game idea.

      The AI will probably be in endless war, since they are too close together. So, if you can get a few cities from an early rush and then hunker down to defend, you might survive and be able to trade tech. Maybe. Some ideas:

      I would not slow down by building cats. You need a hyper-early rush.

      Maybe you have time for the Egyptian UU, which would give you a two mover with two attack. Aztecs are a good idea if you are satisfied with a one attack. Early speed is everything.

      Use a borg build, not that you will have any choice. But this might get you three or four cities able to pop out early units reasonably quickly. Since the AI will try a more spread out build and will run smack dab into each other, you might even have near parity in nuber of cities with a close civ neighbor. Target them.

      Should you select pangea may to make the game as much like scorpions in a bottle as possible??
      Illegitimi Non Carborundum


      • #4
        By the way, how do you get the game to let you have 16 civs on this map?
        Illegitimi Non Carborundum


        • #5
          Lots of Civs on a high level and a small map. That is one of my favorite start options. The games are short and decisive.

          As most game victories are determined in the first hundred turns, this allows you to hone your skills. You must not waste turns; you must plan your expansion well; you must know when to attack; know how to defend. (And learn how to accept defeat. )


          • #6
            Originally posted by jshelr
            By the way, how do you get the game to let you have 16 civs on this map?
            You can alter the max. number of Civs using the Editor.
            If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


            • #7
              Yes you learn VERY quickly on this setting, or you just lose VERY often.
              Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
              Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party

