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how do i win Diplomatic victory?

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  • how do i win Diplomatic victory?

    Im trying to obtain diplomatic victory in my newest game but the votes are always inconclusive.. wat can i do to better my chance at winning diplomatically?

  • #2
    I think you just need to give enough gifts to have people gracious. OTOH it might be MPPs and ROPs.
    I don't know for sure because I don't usually go for a diplo win, conquest is just so much more satisfying...
    Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.


    • #3
      The Diplomatic victory is one of the easiest and one of my favorite bail outs, if I got sick of a game without wanting to abandon it, or if I want to finish a game quickly, to start another one.
      1. Start to build the UN.
      2. Start a war with <insert a rogue state of your choice here>.
      3. 1 turn before the UN is built, ally up with everyone in the World against the evil <insert the mentioned rogue civ here>.
      4. Win the following election.

      Not really a satisfaction, but, well, a victory.


      • #4

        It really is as easy as Sir Ralph says. Sometimes I switch Diplomatic victory off so that I don't have the temptation of using it, but mostly I just leave it on. It's the best way of bailing out of a game that has got boring and is shaping up for a long drawn-out late game battle - I'm usually impatient to start the next game and so I build the UN and call a vote. I usually win, but sometime I lose - who cares as long as the game is over?
        If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


        • #5
          If the game is still going by the time the UN is available I see that as a loss anyway. In most cases you should have won the game quite some time ago.
          If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


          • #6
            True, you should have "overwhelming momentum" by that point... but in the absence of an AI "I give up, you kicked our asses" option, it doesn't suck to have a way to win without slogging through some of the end-games. It also requires that some attention be paid to diplomacy, which is good.
            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sir Ralph
              1. Start to build the UN.
              2. Start a war with <insert a rogue state of your choice here>.
              3. 1 turn before the UN is built, ally up with everyone in the World against the evil <insert the mentioned rogue civ here>.
              4. Win the following election.

              Not really a satisfaction, but, well, a victory.
              Ideally <rogue state of your choice> should be the largest AI civ - i.e. the one that is most likely to be the opposing candidate in the vote. Even if you have been the very embodiment of evil during the game, the other civs are never going to vote for someone they are currently at war with (although they might just abstain). Once I learned the various ways that 20-turn deals could be accidentally broken (which ruins your reputation and chances in the vote), then avoiding all the activities that really annoy AI civs is pretty easy.

              Oh, wiping out any civ that you've ever been at war with can help, so they don't vote against you.

