Good day! Has been quite a while sence I last sent a thread in, was having so much fun with my German Panzers I forgot about you all, well anyways, hello! And, as always, I hope both you and I can share knowledge about this particular subject!
Historical Overview: Communism was a socialistic creation of the early 1900-1930. Originaly, the socialist idealism was made by Plato in his thoughts of "equality of the masses." Nearly 1500 years later, Karl Marx improved upon his idea, and, naming it socialism. His thoughts on equality of the workers and the destruction of the classes were very popular in unindustrialized countries such as Russia, Germany, and other developing European countries. The most famous of the socialist countries was, of course, the Soviet Union which was formed shortly after Vladimir Lynch Lenins rise to power as the first Premier of Russia. Communism on a world basis started a decline after the Soviet Unions demise, and so ended the Communist fear which had griped the NATO nations for almost 80 years.
Personal Overview of Communism: Well, first off, Communism is unique government and provides many distinct advantages and disadvantages that one should be aware of before going head-long into, hence being the point of this
Eonomic losses and gains from communism might either hurt you real bad,really give you a boost, so beware. First off, Communism is not a government of a few strong core cities. In fact, if you have developed like that, only haveing a few good cities around the capital, you might want to go Monarchy or Democracy. But, if you have a potentialy large industrial basis, but the cities are too far out, then Communism is the perfect way to enrich those corrupted cities. Also, because of the communal corruption, you can just void out those capital bonus- they would no longer matter. In fact, you farthest out (less developed cities), are more likely to benefit from the communal corruption, while your core cities, are porbably going to lose production and gold.
Military is also an important consideration when decided to use a COmmunist or Monarchy government for a long, grinding war. I have found that communism often is quite useful for wars. First of all, Communism (like Monarchy) allows for NO civil disorder in times of war, hence meaning that you don't have to worry about your cities ounce you are in conflict. Also, the increased Military police can also be useful for quelling civil uprisings (tanks in the streets crushing the Ugoslavian Rebels like Russia did
). But, by far, the most important advantage, the communal corruption! It is annoying seeing your cities revolt back to their homeland, and knowing you can not build that nice temple or library to keep them from revolting. The communal corruption gives you the chance to actually build something in those newly conquered cities, why, because, for instance, a city you got has 20 Prod., and the communal corruption ussualy takes about 4-7 prod. away, so, instead of have barely 5 prod. which you would in any other government, you have roughly 13, enough to build something like a temple, or such.( Thses results were based on attacking an empire that was over 60 tiles away on a Monarch level in COmmunism, results MAY vary.) One more thing is the draft Limit. Often, I rarely use this, those conscripts are simply too weak, but, I guess they have a small use fr the 2 limit.
Problems With Communism: Though for the many advantages of Communism, I am going to report to you, the loyal reader, the problems of this most intrigueing of governments, let us begine.
Communism's main problem is that its communal corruption being so good for distant, productive cities, does not do much for your inner, core production cities. This is one of the serious drawbacks of it. I have heard many people complain that they lose their core cities production and commercial seriously by the corruption generated. This is understandable, many people have GREAT pride in how well they place their capital and FB to minimize corruption. When intering communism, be very aware that you NEED to have a strong economy to accomodate for the lose that Communism will bring on your economy. You can try and make up for the lose of gold by trading goods,building banks in those smaller, developing cities, and building courthouses and police stations.
Also, unlike democracy, communism lacks the increased worker actions. Though this is a minal lose too me, I have heard many complain that they were better off in Democracy, once again, they generalized their cities, concentrating on inner cities, that would explain why they took sucha plung in COmmunism. The workers action not being doubled in communism has baffled me. It would seem sence communism's worker idealogy would make the work harder in theroy, but, that was not how it worked in the USSR, oh well, the makers of CIV 3 were obviously more friendly to democracy for some, odd, strange offense
Religious Civ's Factor: many people like to have the good of both worls through playing as a religious civ, and I totaly agree! Being able to switch instantly from governments is a veyr powerful advantage. COnsidering that you can have Democracies great economy for peacetime, and communism's great war-time advantages, who would't agree? This is a great stratagy, because, you can build all those happiness wonders and buildings, but the fact remains, there WILL be civil discontentment in 25-50 turns in democracy.
Well, that about sums up my views on Communism, please fell free to make any other iqueries, thoughts, or contridictions to my thoughts, i'll be listening!
Ps: "i think Firaxis abused the making of Russia, they SHOULD NOT have been expansionist and scientific, rather, they should have been militaristic and industrious, but they had to sell that off to CHina, those infadels! No offense though."
Historical Overview: Communism was a socialistic creation of the early 1900-1930. Originaly, the socialist idealism was made by Plato in his thoughts of "equality of the masses." Nearly 1500 years later, Karl Marx improved upon his idea, and, naming it socialism. His thoughts on equality of the workers and the destruction of the classes were very popular in unindustrialized countries such as Russia, Germany, and other developing European countries. The most famous of the socialist countries was, of course, the Soviet Union which was formed shortly after Vladimir Lynch Lenins rise to power as the first Premier of Russia. Communism on a world basis started a decline after the Soviet Unions demise, and so ended the Communist fear which had griped the NATO nations for almost 80 years.
Personal Overview of Communism: Well, first off, Communism is unique government and provides many distinct advantages and disadvantages that one should be aware of before going head-long into, hence being the point of this

Eonomic losses and gains from communism might either hurt you real bad,really give you a boost, so beware. First off, Communism is not a government of a few strong core cities. In fact, if you have developed like that, only haveing a few good cities around the capital, you might want to go Monarchy or Democracy. But, if you have a potentialy large industrial basis, but the cities are too far out, then Communism is the perfect way to enrich those corrupted cities. Also, because of the communal corruption, you can just void out those capital bonus- they would no longer matter. In fact, you farthest out (less developed cities), are more likely to benefit from the communal corruption, while your core cities, are porbably going to lose production and gold.
Military is also an important consideration when decided to use a COmmunist or Monarchy government for a long, grinding war. I have found that communism often is quite useful for wars. First of all, Communism (like Monarchy) allows for NO civil disorder in times of war, hence meaning that you don't have to worry about your cities ounce you are in conflict. Also, the increased Military police can also be useful for quelling civil uprisings (tanks in the streets crushing the Ugoslavian Rebels like Russia did

Problems With Communism: Though for the many advantages of Communism, I am going to report to you, the loyal reader, the problems of this most intrigueing of governments, let us begine.
Communism's main problem is that its communal corruption being so good for distant, productive cities, does not do much for your inner, core production cities. This is one of the serious drawbacks of it. I have heard many people complain that they lose their core cities production and commercial seriously by the corruption generated. This is understandable, many people have GREAT pride in how well they place their capital and FB to minimize corruption. When intering communism, be very aware that you NEED to have a strong economy to accomodate for the lose that Communism will bring on your economy. You can try and make up for the lose of gold by trading goods,building banks in those smaller, developing cities, and building courthouses and police stations.
Also, unlike democracy, communism lacks the increased worker actions. Though this is a minal lose too me, I have heard many complain that they were better off in Democracy, once again, they generalized their cities, concentrating on inner cities, that would explain why they took sucha plung in COmmunism. The workers action not being doubled in communism has baffled me. It would seem sence communism's worker idealogy would make the work harder in theroy, but, that was not how it worked in the USSR, oh well, the makers of CIV 3 were obviously more friendly to democracy for some, odd, strange offense

Religious Civ's Factor: many people like to have the good of both worls through playing as a religious civ, and I totaly agree! Being able to switch instantly from governments is a veyr powerful advantage. COnsidering that you can have Democracies great economy for peacetime, and communism's great war-time advantages, who would't agree? This is a great stratagy, because, you can build all those happiness wonders and buildings, but the fact remains, there WILL be civil discontentment in 25-50 turns in democracy.
Well, that about sums up my views on Communism, please fell free to make any other iqueries, thoughts, or contridictions to my thoughts, i'll be listening!
Ps: "i think Firaxis abused the making of Russia, they SHOULD NOT have been expansionist and scientific, rather, they should have been militaristic and industrious, but they had to sell that off to CHina, those infadels! No offense though."