I just started playing a few weeks ago, and I came to this forum and found the BEST source of information for ANY game I have ever played before. You all rock! 
Anyway...... Here are some of my thoughts on the game that I thought other new players may want to know.
Hit F1 and check your science slider EVERY TURN. You can milk out more cash that way. Sometimes you will find that you can drop the slider down a bit and keep the same number of turns for the next advance. Work it down every turn until you get the advance. Then bump it back up to your max without loosing cash just after you get the advance. You will save a bunch of cash for city upgrades this way in the later game.
Make sure you hit F4 and check every nation you know about EVERY TURN. You will find that if you give them a buck or two every turn as a gift even if you don't have anything to trade with them, they will stay on your side way way longer than if you ignore them.
Hit F4 and hit the trade tab to see what other AI nations want from you. If you roll over every nation head with the trades tab selected they will let you know if they need something. Then go trade it to them. double click on them and say you want to trade. Then add the item they want and ASK them what they will give you for it. They will tell you what they have to offer and I almost always take what they say they want to give unless they don't have anything I want or they don't have any cash to give me. In my last game NO ONE attacked me until I declared war on them.
Trade with everyone unless you are at war with them as often as possible. For the same reason.
Always REX! If you don't expand as fast as the AI you will loose!
Learn all the keyboard short cuts! You will find that there alot of things you can do with shortcuts that you can't do with the U/I.
Learn the science tree! If you don't know where you are going in science you are going to loose more often than not.
Go down a specific science path to get to a destination. If you amble about at random and let the AI pick your science you will be lost.
Archer rush! This is the best way of getting rid of an AI player close to you every time! Gives you way more room to work in the early game!
Get to Monarchy as fast as possible if you plan on attacking right away.
Get to Republic, or Democracy as soon as possible if you plan on being peacefull.
Check these forums and read all the threads on strategy in the strategy forum! Lots of great information in there.
Get the population heads graphics upgrade in the files section of this board! They help out a heck of alot when figuring out what your people think of the city.
Anyway...... These things helped me out a ton.
Good luck!

Anyway...... Here are some of my thoughts on the game that I thought other new players may want to know.
Hit F1 and check your science slider EVERY TURN. You can milk out more cash that way. Sometimes you will find that you can drop the slider down a bit and keep the same number of turns for the next advance. Work it down every turn until you get the advance. Then bump it back up to your max without loosing cash just after you get the advance. You will save a bunch of cash for city upgrades this way in the later game.
Make sure you hit F4 and check every nation you know about EVERY TURN. You will find that if you give them a buck or two every turn as a gift even if you don't have anything to trade with them, they will stay on your side way way longer than if you ignore them.
Hit F4 and hit the trade tab to see what other AI nations want from you. If you roll over every nation head with the trades tab selected they will let you know if they need something. Then go trade it to them. double click on them and say you want to trade. Then add the item they want and ASK them what they will give you for it. They will tell you what they have to offer and I almost always take what they say they want to give unless they don't have anything I want or they don't have any cash to give me. In my last game NO ONE attacked me until I declared war on them.
Trade with everyone unless you are at war with them as often as possible. For the same reason.
Always REX! If you don't expand as fast as the AI you will loose!
Learn all the keyboard short cuts! You will find that there alot of things you can do with shortcuts that you can't do with the U/I.
Learn the science tree! If you don't know where you are going in science you are going to loose more often than not.
Go down a specific science path to get to a destination. If you amble about at random and let the AI pick your science you will be lost.
Archer rush! This is the best way of getting rid of an AI player close to you every time! Gives you way more room to work in the early game!
Get to Monarchy as fast as possible if you plan on attacking right away.
Get to Republic, or Democracy as soon as possible if you plan on being peacefull.
Check these forums and read all the threads on strategy in the strategy forum! Lots of great information in there.
Get the population heads graphics upgrade in the files section of this board! They help out a heck of alot when figuring out what your people think of the city.
Anyway...... These things helped me out a ton.
Good luck!
