OK, I have a typical place in almost every game where I stall out. I have been reading the strategy tips on this board and they are great, but I still can't seem to get past this one place in my games. Here is the set up.....
Standard sized map with default starting options with difficulty set at the third one, I think its Warlord.
I start the game in REX, pushing out with settlers, and building troops so when I find that first AI civ I can clean up on him.
I set my science bar to 50% or 60% so I can get those tech. I need for expansion, and troops that I can't get from negotiations with the AI.
I get three or four cities started when I find the first civ. I negotiate with him to get what ever tech and contacts I can before I attack, then I launch my Archer / Spearmen attack on that civ. I win and either keep the cities, or destroy them based on population and placement. Sometimes I can renegotiate and get more tech and gold then wipe him out all together later on after pushing past him with my cities.
At about this point I should have contact with about everyone through negotiations, and I drop my science bar down to 0 while I buy up all the tech. and contacts I can.
I'm still in Depotism and I should have around 10 or more cities and I have the same technology level as everyone else minus maybe one tech. We are all getting close to the Middle Ages.
This is where I start to run into problems.....
REX is over. I have run out of room to expand either because of the terrain, or running into AI civs. I have plenty of troops, Swordsmen, Archers, and Spearmen. I may have one Wonder, maybe not, depends. My cities are starting to grow and expand, and I'm working on temples in my outside cities next to the AI. My outside cities don't have much production though and they can't build anything much at all even with 5 or 6 populations. I want to move my Palace to a more central location, but the cities I want to move it to have no production due to corruption so it would take forever to move it. I would like to build the Forbidden Palace out next to the AI so I can expand in that direction, but it would take for ever for the same reasons. Now the AI starts to catch up to me. My cities start to stagnate, and I stop expanding. Where should I go from here?
Should I switch to Monarchy?
How should I set my science bar? What factors do you take into account when setting it?
How the h*ll do I build a Palace in those corrupt cities more central to my empire?
How do I build the FP on the edge of my empire out by the AI so I can use the lack of corruption to expand into