I recently discovered how incredibly useful a monopoly in just one or two luxuries can be.
I started on the medium, isolated continent out of three continents with Germany, and conquered them in the late ancient age, giving me a monopoly in silk and furs, with enough to supply all of the remaining civs once I met them. Due to my isolation, I was getting behind in the tech race, so I beelined for navigation. When I met the other civs I traded gold and/or a tech for contact witht the rest, then traded away all of my spare luxuries for tech, gold, maps and goodwill (always nice to have everyone polite) after 40-60 turns of contact the AI civs finally got to navigation (I didn't want them visiting ME, so I hadn't given any of them more towards astronomy than I had to) The Aztecs launched a surprise attack once they got navigation (no surprise there). In response I contacted all of the civs the Aztec were trading with, and got a military alliance against the aztec and a nice amount of gold per turn for one or two of the luxuries they had no other access to. This in turn freed up the resources they had been trading to the aztec for me to snatch up. Unfortunately, I had to save before I had asked for the newly available luxuries, and forgot to trade for them when I loaded up again.
The net result was a large amount of gold per turn and military alliance with every other civ for the price of resources I wasn't using anyway.
In addition, having my continent to myself assured me of multiple sources of saltpeter, which I gave to the aztecs weak neighbors, the americans, in order to provide sufficient distraction while I build up my revenge fleet.
This was on Regent, standard map size, does it work as well on higher levels/larger maps?
I started on the medium, isolated continent out of three continents with Germany, and conquered them in the late ancient age, giving me a monopoly in silk and furs, with enough to supply all of the remaining civs once I met them. Due to my isolation, I was getting behind in the tech race, so I beelined for navigation. When I met the other civs I traded gold and/or a tech for contact witht the rest, then traded away all of my spare luxuries for tech, gold, maps and goodwill (always nice to have everyone polite) after 40-60 turns of contact the AI civs finally got to navigation (I didn't want them visiting ME, so I hadn't given any of them more towards astronomy than I had to) The Aztecs launched a surprise attack once they got navigation (no surprise there). In response I contacted all of the civs the Aztec were trading with, and got a military alliance against the aztec and a nice amount of gold per turn for one or two of the luxuries they had no other access to. This in turn freed up the resources they had been trading to the aztec for me to snatch up. Unfortunately, I had to save before I had asked for the newly available luxuries, and forgot to trade for them when I loaded up again.

In addition, having my continent to myself assured me of multiple sources of saltpeter, which I gave to the aztecs weak neighbors, the americans, in order to provide sufficient distraction while I build up my revenge fleet.

This was on Regent, standard map size, does it work as well on higher levels/larger maps?