OCC game 2
standard map size
roaming barbarians
pangaea, 80%water coverage, normal, temperate climate, aged 5 bil years
random rivals
I wanted to try a somewhat different strategy with this game, so I chose the English. I really havn't figured out the best civ trait combination for OCC games yet, but i'm not so sure that Industrious is as necessary as it is for normal style games. In this game I wanted expansionist, in order to take advantage of the pangaea style continent, and meet my opponents MUCH earlier, and i also wanted to compare commercial verses religious. Anarchy sucks, but the extra commerce should make up for it. We'll see how it goes!
I'm including the save game if anyone else wants to give it a shot.
Don't embarass me too bad, if you do.
standard map size
roaming barbarians
pangaea, 80%water coverage, normal, temperate climate, aged 5 bil years
random rivals
I wanted to try a somewhat different strategy with this game, so I chose the English. I really havn't figured out the best civ trait combination for OCC games yet, but i'm not so sure that Industrious is as necessary as it is for normal style games. In this game I wanted expansionist, in order to take advantage of the pangaea style continent, and meet my opponents MUCH earlier, and i also wanted to compare commercial verses religious. Anarchy sucks, but the extra commerce should make up for it. We'll see how it goes!
