Originally posted by hr_oskar
On the topic of this thread: The AI seriously sucks at guarding its important resources
Example from my game yesterday: my army is marching into American territory, razing New York which is next to their only Iron resource, on a mountain tile. The resource is still within their border, and they've got some Swordsmen running around; do they fortify them on the iron mountain? Nah, rather send them a long way to get some worker or crappy city across the continent...
So bye-bye American iron, bye-bye American swords, bye-bye America
But then you've all seen this before...
On the topic of this thread: The AI seriously sucks at guarding its important resources

Example from my game yesterday: my army is marching into American territory, razing New York which is next to their only Iron resource, on a mountain tile. The resource is still within their border, and they've got some Swordsmen running around; do they fortify them on the iron mountain? Nah, rather send them a long way to get some worker or crappy city across the continent...
So bye-bye American iron, bye-bye American swords, bye-bye America

But then you've all seen this before...
well , maybe its because the level you play on , or the AI simply has no units to watch and guard it , ....
have a nice day