Good day, First off, I want to thank you for reading my post and hope that both you and I will learn something from this.
*DISCLAIMER*: By reading this your are inherintly given your own oppinion of what you think is right or wrong. You have the right to claim anyone statement if you have alreayd wrote it, inferred it, or in any other way thought of the subjects written here. If you wish for me to add quotes of ownership of a certain thought, simply ask me.
Now...When you start this game, actually, before that. When you pop the CD of Civ 3 in and want to start a new game, you must make a very important choice, "shall I be a builder or a destroyer?" Often, being a being a builder has advantages in the cheiften-regent stages but, ounce you advance to monarch, it seems military is the only way, so, let us begin finaly.
First off all, when you start, before anoything else, CONTACT your local city governer. At first, it seems easy to micro-manage your cities, but, you will fidn that dealing with your capital will make you a bit antzy for more bloodlust, so, simply put your governer on "manage happiness, emphasize prod., and commerc."
This will make it a lot easier for you to deal with the capital because how you use it is key to winning. With everything in the capital in place, now, begine building a scout unit to look for civs, if expansionist, start build barracks. Now, use your single worker to start build a road to possible enemys, amke your first road so that it can branch off if needed, finding an enemy fast is key so you can direct a road to them.So, everything in the capital is fine and underway, but the fun is not over yet.
Use the new "Production Que" to get units under way without having to micro-manage, avoinding a lot of city micro-managing can really save time and lesson the stress on you, the player. Set your Que to build one expansion unit, a worker/barracks*, and then 6 archers, after the archers is really just up to you, expanding to make a settler is often the smartest thing. (sometimes, building another worker can really help when building the early road to a civ, just remeber, if the civ is close, you won't need too, but, if it is over 20 turns away, make that worker pronto!) After the barracks are done, the archers. By now, you should nearly have the road either complete, or 1/2 complete*. (Of course how big the map is will affect your progress, remeber about roads though, if a small-tiny map, you will probably not need roads, but average-huge, yes, you will REALLY!!!! need them for early conquest.) For more information of the principles of road building,. look for the Thread Roads, Best offense for Ancient made by Strakorfsky, oh wait, thats me, silly little man I am
. Now after your first archer force is away, you should ahve researched iron working or bartored it from another more advance civ*. (Do nto be afraid to give several techs to a civ for iron working, even paying them 1 gpt may need to be done if your iron working is 20+ turns away, and trust me, YOU'LL NEED IT!) So, your archers are away with your spearman, watch as they crush the tech-filled AI, ounce they ack for peace, milk them of all things, and EVERYTHING, do nto be shy to ask for almost all their advnaces, gold, and very mcuh try and get communications and maps, this will allow you to trade and trade more techs*.(SOmetimes a civ will have map makings, so you'll be able to take map making and next turn beable to demand or trade for their maps or communic., these will be extremly useful in the comming ages.) So, you're first conquest is done, and a fe archers left no problem, so, by now, your two/one worker should be enaring the other civ, remeber that iron working I mentioned? Well, by now, a new city should be done and your economy is probably weak because you have not improvd your capital tiles, but do not, it will come in time. So, DO WHATEVER MUST BE DONE TO SECURE IRON, MAKE A COLONY, OR BUILD A ROAD TO IT. Now that you have iron, you can make construction on your swordsman, use the city with the most production and start on swordsman, have the otehr one pump out settlers and workers like crazy, do not build any improvements in the city making workers/settlers, yet at least. So, say we are now in 1500BC, by now, you should have nearly 5 cities or so, and most either making swordsman or barracks to make swordsman, like you did the capital, contact governer on all, and specialize to their individual talents. With the workers, make sure they are only improving your "elite" tiles, anythng not needed is a waste of turns, and every turn REALLY does count. Okay, lets take stock, you "pruned" one empire,a nd should now have enough swordsman to go for another, also, some insist on catapult, but I find them uneccesary for early militARy attacks, because the AI is still expanding right now. And Swordsman can uproot a fortified spearman. So, now attack the next victim around you, capture their capital and they will sue for peace, demand techs and gold and communic. liek before, then move on to the next empire. When you get Chivilary, this stratagy of using roads becomes less offective, because knigths are like a better swords man on a horse, and most AIs will not start upgrading spearsman, so, you have an easy time knocking out spearman with knight. Well, if you play all your cards right, you can come out ahead in techs, gold, and terretory, while all yuor nearby foes are suffering from your killer early attacks, and are unable to catch up.
Well, typing all that made my hands hurt, and I am sorry for all the mispells, but I summerize it as this," attack early, extort all techs, gold, communic, and make peace in late middle age." If you do it along those guidlines, you are as sure as won, good hunting!
*DISCLAIMER*: By reading this your are inherintly given your own oppinion of what you think is right or wrong. You have the right to claim anyone statement if you have alreayd wrote it, inferred it, or in any other way thought of the subjects written here. If you wish for me to add quotes of ownership of a certain thought, simply ask me.
Now...When you start this game, actually, before that. When you pop the CD of Civ 3 in and want to start a new game, you must make a very important choice, "shall I be a builder or a destroyer?" Often, being a being a builder has advantages in the cheiften-regent stages but, ounce you advance to monarch, it seems military is the only way, so, let us begin finaly.
First off all, when you start, before anoything else, CONTACT your local city governer. At first, it seems easy to micro-manage your cities, but, you will fidn that dealing with your capital will make you a bit antzy for more bloodlust, so, simply put your governer on "manage happiness, emphasize prod., and commerc."
This will make it a lot easier for you to deal with the capital because how you use it is key to winning. With everything in the capital in place, now, begine building a scout unit to look for civs, if expansionist, start build barracks. Now, use your single worker to start build a road to possible enemys, amke your first road so that it can branch off if needed, finding an enemy fast is key so you can direct a road to them.So, everything in the capital is fine and underway, but the fun is not over yet.
Use the new "Production Que" to get units under way without having to micro-manage, avoinding a lot of city micro-managing can really save time and lesson the stress on you, the player. Set your Que to build one expansion unit, a worker/barracks*, and then 6 archers, after the archers is really just up to you, expanding to make a settler is often the smartest thing. (sometimes, building another worker can really help when building the early road to a civ, just remeber, if the civ is close, you won't need too, but, if it is over 20 turns away, make that worker pronto!) After the barracks are done, the archers. By now, you should nearly have the road either complete, or 1/2 complete*. (Of course how big the map is will affect your progress, remeber about roads though, if a small-tiny map, you will probably not need roads, but average-huge, yes, you will REALLY!!!! need them for early conquest.) For more information of the principles of road building,. look for the Thread Roads, Best offense for Ancient made by Strakorfsky, oh wait, thats me, silly little man I am

Well, typing all that made my hands hurt, and I am sorry for all the mispells, but I summerize it as this," attack early, extort all techs, gold, communic, and make peace in late middle age." If you do it along those guidlines, you are as sure as won, good hunting!