d00dz j00 tryz b33tingz 370adz dominationz.
No announcement yet.
Chexz th33z savez, I iz 1337 deit33 b33ter givinz outz tipz
I just looked at the save.
Is this suppossed to be a joke??
Am I missing something, 'caus as far as I can tell,
you are gettingz yourz arzes kicked.
I pressed enter and lost a wonder city with a cultural flip.
hmm,Not mentioning the fact that you are nowhere!!!!
Man you are losing bigtime!!
I admit i only took a quick peak, so I could be off just a little bitIs God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God? - Epicurus
What the hell is this? trying to weasel your way out of this arnt you Mr not so leet. You said conquest and you did not finish conquest. Dont tell me that the game is over, you stil have a whole contienent to invade. This isn't about anyone else except for the people who played? Could I win? No. In your game you are not winning or beating the Greeks or the Persians. You LOST the challenge. Face it."Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini
100k d00dz, I iz r0xx0ringz th33 aiz. J00 cantz d33nyz itz. J00 cantz b33tz m33 s0 j00 tryz t0 bringz m33 downz... lololololol m33 t00 1337 f0r j00z. I winz th33 ch11engez.
PS I haz notz conquerzed th33 gr33kz andz perzianz yetz coz th33 onl33 wayz t00 d00 thatz s0 quickz iz by ch33tingz. Halfz 0f j00 iz reloaderz and h4xx0rz ch33terz.
I pr3ssedz enterz andz l0zt 4 1337z w0nderz cit33 withz 4 kultura1z flipz.
Good try, 1337.
Did you play Civ2? It feels like it... the two things that jumped out at me were city spacing and garrisoning (going from memory... tried to contact a city governor and crashed). Jam cities in, 2- and 3-spacing. And, other than the Persian threat, I'd be tempted to leave all non-front cities vacant, much less 2 garrisoned - get all the Legions to the front with Greece. Also, next time, you MUST connect your luxuries! That'll make or break a game, esp. on deity (I think... not too much experience). Temples and marketplaces are a must.
I actually think this is recoverable, although not with a pre-1000AD win. It's tempting... if I understand how the GL works, you could take out Greece, and catch up in tech in one big bang capturing Thermopylae.
alexman is right... good humor, and good that you posted it. 1337 attitude.The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
Naw The Great Library wont save him. It only gives the techs known to three other known civs. The egyptians are gone, thus the library is useless. I would also like to point out that I played the most balanced game, actually teching and going into the late Industrial era and managing to keep close tech parity with the comp. I also dont see how you can call other people cheaters or reloaders without any evidence what-so-ever. Just because you couldnt manage a conquest victory on your own map dosent mean other people cant.
Re: m33 1337 h4xx0rz
Originally posted by I-iZ-1337
M33 finishzed th33 gam33z, d0minationz victor33z 370Adz. I r0xx0r3d th33 AIz! 1337 133gionz kickezed th3 azzez 0f 33gyptz andz gr33cez. I iZ th33 1337ezt, t00 1337 4 j00!
And you haven't even researched horseback riding yet??? Persia's well on it's way to knights, you know. You'll get freakin' mauled when you sail your little galleys and legions to his shores. And you think you can claim you'll get a conquest victory because you're "dominating" the Greeks? Ha! Elite, my aunt Fannie. You lost, brother. Admit it, congratulate the winners and press on and you *might* be able to salvage some respect. However, denying reality and questioning the integrity of others will only further tank your already negligible reputation.
Oh, and about calling the other people who did better than you hackers and reloaders, ruminate this:
Come in kettle, this is pot, come in kettle, this is pot: You're black, repeat, you're black! Over and out.
Oh, well. At least some good discussions were generated by this. And, as it turns out, a few good laughs as well. Thanks for the buffoonery 1337!
P.S. Anyone else notice his saved game is "Caesar of the teet hackors"?
Originally posted by Objectivist
Naw The Great Library wont save him.
Damn... I've been taking a shot at salvaging the situation.
I was able to capture Knossos and Pharsolos, netting me the 3 incense and Sun Tzu (and denying Iron to Greece).
HOWEVER, where I picked up I was still researching Horseback Riding... something sound wrong there?
I've been playing Persia and Greece off each other, but I'm just waaaay too far behind.
As it stands, I've got 9 Knights and 15 Horsemen, and I'm in the process of building / upgrading a Knight horde... but I just realized that Greece has Steam Power and Nationalism.
Too much, too bad.The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
Just finished the challenge... a bit late but oh well570AD conquest victory. Tiny map games are really easy, especially with such a good start. 1337, you really should get some practise. Your city placement is awful, you need to build more cities too (did you BUILD the Lighthouse? What a waste). You might also want to get some evidence before you accuse people of cheating next time.
Now I got that out of my system, on with the game overview
Started out building a ton of vet warriors, after upgrading I got into a war with Egypt. Conveniently, they were also at war with Greece, so it was easy to capture all their cities. Even more conveniently, they built Lighthouse for meThis allowed me to go find Persia, and start shipping over legions to establish a beachhead for the later knight conquest. The war with Persia was swift and descisive, razing two of their cities and building my own in their place. Also got a GL at this point which I sent back home to build the FP. Shipped over a ton of horses and kept the beachhead cities at size 1 and filled with units to avoid cultural flipping.
At this point I kept building up a large number of horses while researching toward chivalry. As soon as I got it, I upgraded a ton of horses to knights and began nearly simultaneous conquest of Persia and Greece. Persia's iron sources had had some of my legions sitting on them for quite a while, so resistance was nearly negligable after I killed all their knights. Greece was similarly easy, even though they had gunpowder they apparently had no saltpetre. Got a GL early in the Greek war too, which I formed into an army which proved very useful taking out some of the muskets they had in their cities (about three).
Here's the save:Attached Files
Agreed that this is not much of a challenge... but WOW!!
Well done.
You play Civ2 MP, yes? Any similarities / comments?The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
BTW, note how 1337 left one question unanswered - why the hell is he doing that kind of language and attitude.
You guys are superb, making fun of him like this.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man