Hey all, recentlly I have been playing my 2nd monarch game of civ 3. This game has gone fairlly ok, early on I took over the greeks and left the Chinese with only 1 city left, during this time I switched to monarchy and saw my income get cut off. Now im at war with the Romans which I thought would be an easy target due to their territory size ( I was wrong). So now I was thinking about switching to republic to give me a boost, so I saved the game and went into Anarchy, then a turn later I switched to Republic and my treasury went -67 per turn!! What could I be doing wrong? i'm kinda new to this...so far I tried making courthouses and marketplaces in most cities since the far border ones lost like more than half of all production to corruption. I've also tried hiring taxmen in cities and considered switching to wealth production but I think its a waste of shields...One of my cities is currently making the Wall Street small wonder. help pls! 
PS, link to screenshot of my game so far, see if u can spot any mistakes i've made

PS, link to screenshot of my game so far, see if u can spot any mistakes i've made
