No, unless I get a leader at the right time... then I will rush it. Any wonders (besides the colossus) are rushed with leaders or captured until the middle ages.
I gain tech parity by beating it out of the AI's. I sacrifice everything else in order to build a nealry unstoppable army. That army then knocks opponent #1 down to 1 city, at which point I make peace and take as much tech as I can. Repeat, repeat... and then wipe them all out. This works best on 3-5 civ continents (2-4 AI enemies). I bogged down a bit last night on a 7-civ continent, though I'm doing quite well.
I gain tech parity by beating it out of the AI's. I sacrifice everything else in order to build a nealry unstoppable army. That army then knocks opponent #1 down to 1 city, at which point I make peace and take as much tech as I can. Repeat, repeat... and then wipe them all out. This works best on 3-5 civ continents (2-4 AI enemies). I bogged down a bit last night on a 7-civ continent, though I'm doing quite well.