Hi and welcome back to the Strategy forum, Velociryx. I hope your staying lasts a while
As the upcoming 3rd game of the CFC tournament will be with the Egyptians, this thread came right at hand for me for a few test games. I had played industrious civs before, and in the near past had a look at the Americans at huge, thin settled maps. The industrious trait was a big help in REX, as it made my settlers really fast reach the city sites (and produce new settlers). Now, with the Egyptians in a few test games, I tested the ability of the industrious trait to support early warmongering. It worked a charm.
In one game, I was blessed with a free settler out of the first hut, just in the right spot for the 2nd city. That made, that I had not 2 but 4 cities about 2800BC. Although the map was large, I decided to stop growth and go for some early prey. Two scouting warriors had already detected a darkblue borderline in my close neighborhood. Yea, it was Bismarck. Made contact, gave him Masonry for Warrior code, and started to crank out archers. Meanwhile my only worker started a road towards Germany. I didn't want to lose time and pop points for more workers, so he could make it only half, but that helped a lot.
The first wave of 4 archers took Berlin and captured a settler/warrior shuttle. Woohoo, 2 free workers!
With them, I started a road "back". just a few turns after they met with my worker. Connection established! I already had 1 luxury, Berlin gave me one more, and the quick road helped to distribute the new resource to all my 4 initial cities. This gave me the opportunity to poprush a temple in all 4 cities. The upcoming game is about a quick cultural victory, so an early temple in all cities really matters.
The 2nd wave of archers (2 more and the remaining from the Berlin raid) razed Leipzig. Since Bismarck wasn't dead and I had no clue where his cities are, I made peace. This gave me Bronze Working and 98 gold. Not bad for around 2000BC. Soon I saw a blue border again. I don't know wether he respawned or had a settler. He succeeded to build 2 cities, a new Leipzig (capital) and Hamburg. I had built a couple of more archers, and switched my production back to settlers. My 9 archers finished Germany in 1625 BC. Test game ended.
Summary: Industrious helps indeed a lot for early warmongering. Not only because the quick roads help your troups move, but the issue of early luxury distribution helps for poprushing temples or units and gives the possibility to build larger cities without revolts, especially on higher difficulty levels.

As the upcoming 3rd game of the CFC tournament will be with the Egyptians, this thread came right at hand for me for a few test games. I had played industrious civs before, and in the near past had a look at the Americans at huge, thin settled maps. The industrious trait was a big help in REX, as it made my settlers really fast reach the city sites (and produce new settlers). Now, with the Egyptians in a few test games, I tested the ability of the industrious trait to support early warmongering. It worked a charm.
In one game, I was blessed with a free settler out of the first hut, just in the right spot for the 2nd city. That made, that I had not 2 but 4 cities about 2800BC. Although the map was large, I decided to stop growth and go for some early prey. Two scouting warriors had already detected a darkblue borderline in my close neighborhood. Yea, it was Bismarck. Made contact, gave him Masonry for Warrior code, and started to crank out archers. Meanwhile my only worker started a road towards Germany. I didn't want to lose time and pop points for more workers, so he could make it only half, but that helped a lot.
The first wave of 4 archers took Berlin and captured a settler/warrior shuttle. Woohoo, 2 free workers!

The 2nd wave of archers (2 more and the remaining from the Berlin raid) razed Leipzig. Since Bismarck wasn't dead and I had no clue where his cities are, I made peace. This gave me Bronze Working and 98 gold. Not bad for around 2000BC. Soon I saw a blue border again. I don't know wether he respawned or had a settler. He succeeded to build 2 cities, a new Leipzig (capital) and Hamburg. I had built a couple of more archers, and switched my production back to settlers. My 9 archers finished Germany in 1625 BC. Test game ended.
Summary: Industrious helps indeed a lot for early warmongering. Not only because the quick roads help your troups move, but the issue of early luxury distribution helps for poprushing temples or units and gives the possibility to build larger cities without revolts, especially on higher difficulty levels.