I'm just about to finish the CivFanatics GOTM6. It's 1530, at the map (see below) are besides me (Indians) the Germans and English left. I have 1 era tech lead, the Germans just discovered Military Tradition and are still in the medieval era, I will discover Motorized Transportation next turn. I have a killer economy and commerce, both AIs are pitiful poor. Most of my cities are producing wealth, as my military is big enough and there's nothing more to do.
In the histograph and powergraph, I am far ahead: India 2183, China (dead) 565, Germany 533, England 448, Japan (dead) 315, Zululand (dead) 170, Persia (dead) 114, Babylon (dead) 42. Same with culture.
I have 65 Worker, 2 Spearmen, 22 Musketmen, 24 Riflemen, 86 Infantries, 141 Cavalries, 8 War Elephants (Palace and FP guard
), 2 Cannons and 1 Army (3 of the Cavalries), 11 Transports, 2 Galleons and 1 Galley.
Germany has 3 Settler, 20 Worker, 2 Archer, 8 Spearmen, 30 Swordsmen, 3 Horsemen, 48 Pikemen, 1 Longbowman, 6 Musketmen, 3 Cavalries, 2 Catapults, 2 Cannons and 1 Galley
In this situation Germany declares war on me!
WTF? What does Herr Bismarck think I'm just going to do with him? Or does he think he can do what he wishes with peaceful Gandhi?
Why does the AI commit suicide?
Here's the map. I made a zip of it, for the case that somebody of you also still playing this game.
In the histograph and powergraph, I am far ahead: India 2183, China (dead) 565, Germany 533, England 448, Japan (dead) 315, Zululand (dead) 170, Persia (dead) 114, Babylon (dead) 42. Same with culture.
I have 65 Worker, 2 Spearmen, 22 Musketmen, 24 Riflemen, 86 Infantries, 141 Cavalries, 8 War Elephants (Palace and FP guard

Germany has 3 Settler, 20 Worker, 2 Archer, 8 Spearmen, 30 Swordsmen, 3 Horsemen, 48 Pikemen, 1 Longbowman, 6 Musketmen, 3 Cavalries, 2 Catapults, 2 Cannons and 1 Galley
In this situation Germany declares war on me!

Why does the AI commit suicide?
Here's the map. I made a zip of it, for the case that somebody of you also still playing this game.