Originally posted by Zachriel
Actually attacking takes place with an attack, then an automatic move into the unoccupied square. So you get to attack and move with all foot units, at least some of the time. If the square is still occupied, then the turn is indeed over. That is because hand-to-hand units must close to attack.
If the proposed rule was implemented, that is, treating the archers in a tactical fashion, they could attack from the adjoining square, then move off. Most of the time, the archers would attack and then not move, in order to remain in the stack or fortification.
Actually attacking takes place with an attack, then an automatic move into the unoccupied square. So you get to attack and move with all foot units, at least some of the time. If the square is still occupied, then the turn is indeed over. That is because hand-to-hand units must close to attack.
If the proposed rule was implemented, that is, treating the archers in a tactical fashion, they could attack from the adjoining square, then move off. Most of the time, the archers would attack and then not move, in order to remain in the stack or fortification.
My example demonstrates why the designers made the game this way in the first place; if foot units could attack then move on roads, gameplay would be drastically different. Having a high movement score is extremely powerful. Just giving this ability to foot soldiers might solve the AI problem, but reduces the power of existing fast units. I think nye's solution of giving 2 move to foot soldiers and 3+ move to fast units is too much of a change.
Zach, I think we're agreed that the archer-type units in civ don't accurately reflect their true utility in the real world. Archers are closer to bombard units than foot soldiers. But drastically changing these units simply won't happen in any future patch; Firaxis decided to call their 2/1/1 unit 'Archers' and their 4/1/1 unit 'Longbowmen'. That's all there is to it. I'm sure you can use the editor to changes their names, if that helps.
My problem is that, regarding the units currently available in the game, the AI simply doesn't know how to use them effectively. Sort of reminds of Alpha Centauri where the AI simply never ever used the 'Copter chassis. That was funny. I think it's possible to teach the computer how to best use the available units; giving them more moves is too quick and dirty a solution, IMO.