Hello, and greetings from a frustrated Civ III player. I've had Civ III for about a month or so, and I never seem to get anywhere. My Foreign Advisor tells me that (for example), the Romans fear my Swordsman. I build about 5 Swordsmen, and attack them. My Veteran Swordsmen promptly get defeated by their Warriors. I don't even 'injure' them at all. And how do you possibly research new techs in 4 turns? I read the corresponding thread, but it doesn't make sense to me. My Science Advisor tells me to increase Science spending, because we are falling behind in the tech race. If I do that, I run out of money. Also, in order to make it to the end of the 'tech tree', in what year(s) should I enter the Middle Ages, the Industrial Ages, and Modern Times?
I am totally
I am totally
