Originally posted by peterfharris
Umh, you are doing rather better at Emperor than I do. Maybe with a more practice and more adherence to sound strategy I could make the English work for me at higher levels too.
So it wasn't you that was responsible for the Americans and Germans going downhill?
Umh, you are doing rather better at Emperor than I do. Maybe with a more practice and more adherence to sound strategy I could make the English work for me at higher levels too.

So it wasn't you that was responsible for the Americans and Germans going downhill?

Get a settler pump going and crank out troops in the camps. I had to build a worker every so often to keep the unhappy citizens in check in the camps and even a settler once in awhile. This gave me enough workers to do all the road and tile improvements with those lazy non-industrious people.
In fact I am thinking of stopping as I look out and see all the land I have now and will soon have and contemplate all the effort I will have to go to RR it. I knew I should not have pick a large map, ugh.
No I did not have anything to do with the Americans as they are on another contient. I had no impact on the Germans either as I have not even build a city that prevents them from getting land.
They were always behind in tech and probably had poor start location.
I only had two uprisings of barbs and they were very easy to handle. A sword and a few horses was enough in conjunction with the lay of the land (read hills). It was funny, I had a new city with one spear right next to one uprising and they never attacked it. It was on a hill and they wanted no part of it. They jump one lone warrior from Spain and he just kept killing them.
I now have all units upgraded to Med Inf and Pikes, plus horsemen so barbs are not a concern.