Ok, trading is all well and good, however, you don't want to make the other Civs being able to create the same as your best military/city imprvmts...
When I need money, I will trade with other civ's (mostly luxuries). Very rarely do I trade strategic resources (only when I know the can only create something of less damaging effect than I). Iron is GREAT to trade. They pay lots of $$ for it. With regards to science, I will not trade it if it will bring them in a new era, or give them a chance of building a wonder I am currently building until I am sure I will build it before them. Don't just go and trade anything without thinking what they will get from it. Also, I NEVER trade maps until I have checked out everything else. I usually will only buy terriotory maps from other Civs.
A GREAT way of making sure you won't have to buy maps is to build The Great Lighthouse. That way, your Galleys will have 4 turns, and you they won't sink! That is by far my most important advancement and gave me a HUGE edge in front of everyone else.
A good way of getting lots of cash is this: For one turn (when you are ammountig around 1k gold/turn or so, or even earlier on), if you are leading the tech race, put Research to 0%, then, the next turn, put it up to the usual 50-70% (it doesn't seem to matter where you put them..the quickest I get a new tech is at 4 turns anyway). Doing this will get you a LOT of money for that one turn to hurry production and stuff (really good if you're at war and you NEED those infantry finished in several cities). Do this as you need later in the game too.
Anyway, that's some of my thoughts.
When I need money, I will trade with other civ's (mostly luxuries). Very rarely do I trade strategic resources (only when I know the can only create something of less damaging effect than I). Iron is GREAT to trade. They pay lots of $$ for it. With regards to science, I will not trade it if it will bring them in a new era, or give them a chance of building a wonder I am currently building until I am sure I will build it before them. Don't just go and trade anything without thinking what they will get from it. Also, I NEVER trade maps until I have checked out everything else. I usually will only buy terriotory maps from other Civs.
A GREAT way of making sure you won't have to buy maps is to build The Great Lighthouse. That way, your Galleys will have 4 turns, and you they won't sink! That is by far my most important advancement and gave me a HUGE edge in front of everyone else.
A good way of getting lots of cash is this: For one turn (when you are ammountig around 1k gold/turn or so, or even earlier on), if you are leading the tech race, put Research to 0%, then, the next turn, put it up to the usual 50-70% (it doesn't seem to matter where you put them..the quickest I get a new tech is at 4 turns anyway). Doing this will get you a LOT of money for that one turn to hurry production and stuff (really good if you're at war and you NEED those infantry finished in several cities). Do this as you need later in the game too.
Anyway, that's some of my thoughts.
