I've been playing a game on Monarch as the Germans. Stuck on my own continent, so I got a bit behind in the tech race, so I saved up a bunch of money and just bought techs like mad when I bumped into people.
Anyway, my stupid little continent doesn't have any iron, however, there are several civs around me with excess Iron. However, I cannot get them to sell me access to Iron with anything (and everything) I can come up with. Is there any kind of guideline as to what kind of things the AI considers it worth their while to trade strategic resources for? Do I have to have several luxuries, or a strategic resource they don't have? Although this continent provides a lot of food, it doesn't provide much in the way of strategic resources.
Just curious to see if I can work a little harder to come up with more money if that will do it, or if I have to have strategic resources of my own to get access to others.
I do have a nice fur monopoly. Doesn't seem to be helping much.
Anyway, my stupid little continent doesn't have any iron, however, there are several civs around me with excess Iron. However, I cannot get them to sell me access to Iron with anything (and everything) I can come up with. Is there any kind of guideline as to what kind of things the AI considers it worth their while to trade strategic resources for? Do I have to have several luxuries, or a strategic resource they don't have? Although this continent provides a lot of food, it doesn't provide much in the way of strategic resources.
Just curious to see if I can work a little harder to come up with more money if that will do it, or if I have to have strategic resources of my own to get access to others.
I do have a nice fur monopoly. Doesn't seem to be helping much.
