First topic: BOMBARDMENT
When hitting unit on open wich chace is that bomb will unit or tile improvment.
I now how to claculate bombard itself. I just don't know how it chooses unit insted of tile or somthing similar.
When hitting unit in city wich chace is that bomb will unit, tile improvment or maybe population.
What is defensive vaule of tile imporvments?
Maybe same as for Buildings (16 with 1.17f patch)
What are chaces for retreat? (I know about 50/50 for same level of expirience, I need rest of info)
Does bombard ignores city wall (50%) or metropolis (100%) effects or not?
Is bombard defense value for buildings static (16 always) or is multiplied by metopolis or similar bonuses?
What happens when Jets intercept Stealth Bombers (5% chance). Is bomber automaticly shot down (defense of 0).
What is city walls or coastall fortress bombardment defense bonus? (8 points)
Second topic: SEIGE
Since bombardment doesn't kill units and units heal completly in cities with barracks, why bother with bombards.
In 1.07f it was possibile to take out barracks (building defense of 4), and make thing easier.
That had also sub-effect of bomb to 1 pop point.
To remove that effect Firaxis chaged defense value to 16.
Now is almost imossibile to knock out barracks, and thus to damage units.
So is there any way to chage things so bombers more often hit Militaristic buildings.
Same thing could be added to Precise bombing. Since this way in oreder to take out barracks with precise bombing you need to take out about 10 other builidngs. Is that "precise bombing"
Some soultions:
Hitting miltary buildings should have higher priority (chance), next should be Industrial buildings, with rest buildings lower on list.
Maybe units should not heal in cities striked with bombs last turn (1hp heal for those with barracks)? That whould make siege effect.
Not sure if this is difficult to implement.
Firaxis should make some sort of advanced unser info in civilopedia like it was in SMAC.
So I would need to ask about "basic" combat qusetion in Civ3 forum.
Soren, Dan, I realy need info from first question.
Please respond.
When hitting unit on open wich chace is that bomb will unit or tile improvment.
I now how to claculate bombard itself. I just don't know how it chooses unit insted of tile or somthing similar.
When hitting unit in city wich chace is that bomb will unit, tile improvment or maybe population.
What is defensive vaule of tile imporvments?
Maybe same as for Buildings (16 with 1.17f patch)
What are chaces for retreat? (I know about 50/50 for same level of expirience, I need rest of info)
Does bombard ignores city wall (50%) or metropolis (100%) effects or not?
Is bombard defense value for buildings static (16 always) or is multiplied by metopolis or similar bonuses?
What happens when Jets intercept Stealth Bombers (5% chance). Is bomber automaticly shot down (defense of 0).
What is city walls or coastall fortress bombardment defense bonus? (8 points)
Second topic: SEIGE
Since bombardment doesn't kill units and units heal completly in cities with barracks, why bother with bombards.
In 1.07f it was possibile to take out barracks (building defense of 4), and make thing easier.
That had also sub-effect of bomb to 1 pop point.
To remove that effect Firaxis chaged defense value to 16.
Now is almost imossibile to knock out barracks, and thus to damage units.
So is there any way to chage things so bombers more often hit Militaristic buildings.
Same thing could be added to Precise bombing. Since this way in oreder to take out barracks with precise bombing you need to take out about 10 other builidngs. Is that "precise bombing"
Some soultions:
Hitting miltary buildings should have higher priority (chance), next should be Industrial buildings, with rest buildings lower on list.
Maybe units should not heal in cities striked with bombs last turn (1hp heal for those with barracks)? That whould make siege effect.
Not sure if this is difficult to implement.
Firaxis should make some sort of advanced unser info in civilopedia like it was in SMAC.
So I would need to ask about "basic" combat qusetion in Civ3 forum.
Soren, Dan, I realy need info from first question.
Please respond.