A little premature perhaps
However, I find myself wondering how strategies will change. I guess dominators will miss early rushing, I'm guessing civs like the Egyptians/Aztecs with cheap early UUs are going to be popular. No rushing will alter spacing decisions for dominators as well, no more pseudo ICS with packed cities with access to one 2-food square. It depends how severe the change is, but I don't think 2 move attackers will be any less popular.
Strategy for early landers isn't going to change too much, the early game will just be a little slower. No matter what your persuasion despotism will suck, so the Monarchy/Rep debates can start again in earnest. Probs still best to beeline for the representative govts.

However, I find myself wondering how strategies will change. I guess dominators will miss early rushing, I'm guessing civs like the Egyptians/Aztecs with cheap early UUs are going to be popular. No rushing will alter spacing decisions for dominators as well, no more pseudo ICS with packed cities with access to one 2-food square. It depends how severe the change is, but I don't think 2 move attackers will be any less popular.
Strategy for early landers isn't going to change too much, the early game will just be a little slower. No matter what your persuasion despotism will suck, so the Monarchy/Rep debates can start again in earnest. Probs still best to beeline for the representative govts.