Hey all, I started up my first regent game on pangaea, and for some reason, I got stuck on the loner island... Anyway, I try to build up as fast as I can, but by the time the first rival civ shows itself (and builds on my tiny little island, of course
, I am a full NINE techs behind. And this is coming from someone who puts a lot of money into research and effort into making libraries.
No one wants to trade with my backward civ (Greeks), except for exorbitant prices (at most I can afford one tech). I am pretty close to getting Republic now (the only tech these fellas don't have), and that is probably my only way to get a deal... Am I totally screwed? Should I have just restarted given that all of the other civs start together while I'm off by myself playing simcity? As it stands now, I am behind in almost every aspect (except maybe land, and wonders built... i got pyramids, collosus, and oracle). I have galleys, but no one will trade me their world map (short of all my gold and gold per turn). I have seen a couple of french coastal cities, but I probably won't be able to expand short of a massive invasion with swordsmen and many many galleys (who only transport 2!)... Culturally, I am top 3, but a cultural win seems out as I am won't have a shot at the middle age wonders. Tech and military way behind, so no conquest, domination, or SS, as it stands now. Any ideas about how I can salvage the game?
- Windwalker

No one wants to trade with my backward civ (Greeks), except for exorbitant prices (at most I can afford one tech). I am pretty close to getting Republic now (the only tech these fellas don't have), and that is probably my only way to get a deal... Am I totally screwed? Should I have just restarted given that all of the other civs start together while I'm off by myself playing simcity? As it stands now, I am behind in almost every aspect (except maybe land, and wonders built... i got pyramids, collosus, and oracle). I have galleys, but no one will trade me their world map (short of all my gold and gold per turn). I have seen a couple of french coastal cities, but I probably won't be able to expand short of a massive invasion with swordsmen and many many galleys (who only transport 2!)... Culturally, I am top 3, but a cultural win seems out as I am won't have a shot at the middle age wonders. Tech and military way behind, so no conquest, domination, or SS, as it stands now. Any ideas about how I can salvage the game?
- Windwalker