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Some advise needed please

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  • Some advise needed please

    Hi, in my current game i've come across a bit of a problem. After a veeeeerrry long war with the Russians, I'm now just into the Middle ages, under a despotism govt (I never changed cos there was no point at the time), and after a sucessful war control a large slice of my continent.
    I am slightly behind on Science, so I dont expect to get Democracy for about 20 turns, and i expect i'll not get the sistine chappel either

    Anyway, what I would like to know is whether people think i should wiat for Democracy , or just go for Republic.

    Because of the war, I'm behind on Culture, So I plan to win the game by Military means (Diplomatic and space ship ticked off), so I'll be having a fair few wars yet.

    Any Ideas anyone???
    Up The Millers

  • #2
    Your game sounds very similar to the one I just finished (Monarchy, Germans). I eliminated the Russians and the Persians, and knocked the Romans down a notch. I then switched to Republic, forced the Romans off the continent. By the time I switched to Republic, the Americans and English were both ahead in tech, and the Americans were way ahead on culture. I focused on researching fast and trading tech wisely, and was able to pass the English and gain ground on the Americans, in the tech race. I skipped the cavalry assault and pushed straight for the tech to get Panzers, which I used to take the Sistine Chapel, Suffrage, Pyramids (all in one city) from the Americans. Then, I set about to destroy the Americans.

    I stayed in Republic the whole time, and felt it worked very well. I'm thinking of going back to a save game to switch to Democracy, to see how much a difference there is. From reading the manual, there doesn't seem to be a lot. I believe that war weariness is not as severe in Republic as it is in Democracy, but I don't have any definitive evidence to back this up.

    So, I'd say to switch to Repubic, and take the wonders that you want from their owners.


    • #3
      One thing I have noticed about Republic is that if you have universal sufferaged that there is very little war wariness. Even if you dont have universal sufferaged it is very easy to deal with it under this form of government. If you switch to Democracy the war wariness will cirpple you if enage in wars that are very long. One thing you can do as well is go for techs the other civs dont have and trade that tech to them for techs you dont have.
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      • #4
        stay where you are

        Just stay in despotism and use population rushing (every other turn as long as you have the people) to build an overwhelming force to quickly take over the whole continent. If possible, take over the cities of the AI which is furthest ahead in tech first. Capture any/all wonders. You can get techs at the peace table far more quickly than you can research them on your own. When you get the ship technology to land troops other continents, you can use the same tactics to win a conquest/domination victory. In fact, if you are intent on conquering the world, there is no need to switch out of despotism.
        “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

        ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


        • #5
          wow, Some Warmongers in this thread!!
          Anyway, After reading platypus' response, I loaded Civ, went for a Revelution, 5 turns of madness later and I get to change government... oh no..... I havent discovered Republic... shiiiit!!

          I had to Switch to Monarchy.. which isnt really better than what i've got considering the sprawl of my Empire!!!

          5 totally wasted turns and now I'll never get the Sistine

          Anyway, Hopefully I'll get away with it, considering i'm still the best civ on my continent, and the others are ripping each other apart!
          Up The Millers

