Originally posted by Xin Yu
Now seems there is a filter for size 4, so the guess would be that the capital will move to the oldest or closest or most culture improvement or most accrued culture city with size >=4. Have to test it to figure out.
Now seems there is a filter for size 4, so the guess would be that the capital will move to the oldest or closest or most culture improvement or most accrued culture city with size >=4. Have to test it to figure out.

1. City sphere of influence
2. City population
3. ?
n. Date founded
Frozen palace city is excluded.
The sphere of influence thing might explain the odd results DrSpike got with the size 3/5/6 cities, since at that phase of the game the cities are expanding those by large strides.
Then again, take heed that this was sheer speculation on an impoverished sample of limited size

Maybe we could start by compiling a list of candidate factors for the selection of palace relocation.