Considering the effect the number city tiles within enemy borders, has on cultural flipping, would it actually in some cases be better not to build cultural improvements in newly founded cities?
An example to clarify: Two civs found cities, with two tiles in between, on the same turn. Both cities have nine city tiles and the borders are touching. When the one city builds a temple and expands culturally five turns later, three of the twelve new city tiles will be within enemy borders and, accordindingly, the city with the temple will be subject to a cultural flipping-check every turn, whereas the other city will have all its city tiles (nine) and, hence, not be subject to a check at all.
Does this make sense?
An example to clarify: Two civs found cities, with two tiles in between, on the same turn. Both cities have nine city tiles and the borders are touching. When the one city builds a temple and expands culturally five turns later, three of the twelve new city tiles will be within enemy borders and, accordindingly, the city with the temple will be subject to a cultural flipping-check every turn, whereas the other city will have all its city tiles (nine) and, hence, not be subject to a check at all.
Does this make sense?
