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About Industrial/Modern combat

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  • About Industrial/Modern combat

    I am not whining about the combat system or AI bonuses in combat. I'm whining about my fighting skills, probably. Just can't fight in Civ3.

    My current game. I have by far the best economy, large territory. My army is the biggest in the world. There are two other countries, small England - 7 cities, has Infantry and Cavalry and the Iroquois - big nation, same tech level as me, that is Tanks, Infantry, Mech Inf and Bombers.

    I decide I don't quite need England, and send three Transports full of Tanks to them, should be enough to take 7 cities fortified with Infantry or Riflemen. Additional forces include 4 Bombers, 5 Ironclads, Destroyer, Battleship, 5 Cavalry and about 10 Immortals. I declare war on English and start hitting them. In the first turn I raze two of their cities, sink several ships and do damage to infrastructure.

    Next turn, Iroquois declare war on me. Why the hell, I've checked, they had NO Mutual Protection. But OK now, they're huge, but my army is bigger than theirs.

    Now, I have disorders everywhere, I go into Anarchy and start losing things. Some of my escorted Transports are getting killed, but that's OK. Some of English Cavalry defeats my Tanks, but that's OK by me too, as I have just killed 2 English Ironclads on defense with my Galleons. Thus, battle oddities are equal.

    Annoying this is that the Iroquois won't attack my size 20 cities, fortified with 5 Mech.Inf. and 6 Infantry, it will attack that small size 3 colony city only fortified by two Riflemen. I know it knows where are my weakest protected cities, but I think the AI should sometimes bypass them and try attacks on large cities that would be very important for me (damn, I got a size 26 city with 3 wonders, doesn't he want it?). I do, of course, attack weakest cities of him as well. I did even regain some cities by Propaganda (I've cheapened espionage in the Editor).

    Two things now that really take the heck out of me. First, my artillery bombardments of land fail 75% of the time. Second, the AI doesn't use Bombers vs. cities that have Jet Fighters in them, it attacks cities without them, even though attacking the cities with them is more strategically important.

    I guess I'd need some tips on what to do in Industrial/Modern wars... never was good military wise, but this is just embarassing. And another thing I'm pointing out is that the AI wouldn't win those fights if it attacked important targets.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

  • #2
    [First, my artillery bombardments of land fail 75% of the time.]

    So do mine. Take it like a man.

    [Second, the AI doesn't use Bombers vs. cities that have Jet Fighters in them, it attacks cities without them, even though attacking the cities with them is more strategically important.]

    The AI is very good in finding your weak spots. It's not important if it cheats or this is some kind of "strategy". Don't garrison your "good" cities, because they usually are in the center of your empire and the enemy needs first to get there! Garrison the smallish colonies at your borders, because they will be attacked first in 99% of the cases. Garrison them heavily also prevents them from defecting.

    Generally, you should make a better mix of your invasion force. You actually take only attackers. Mix them of attackers+defenders+artillery in equal parts, of after flight, only attackers+defenders (no artillery, use bombers). This will make a refugium for your wounded tanks after attacking and they are a formidable garrison for conquered cities, a MUCH better one than your (down to 1 hp ) tanks are. So take Cav./Tanks/Modern Armor AND Riflemen/Inf./Mech Inf., when you invade a foreign country.
    Last edited by Harovan; January 9, 2002, 13:44.


    • #3
      Sorry for doubling, there were "database problems" and I reposted it.

      Uhm... and yes: With "Don't garrison good cities" I meant don't garrison them with more than, say, 2 infs or so... 11 defenders for a city in the center is fairly overdosed, this ain't Civ II anymore where the enemy could use your RR net
      Last edited by Harovan; January 9, 2002, 13:50.


      • #4
        It seems to me that if they attack small cities, that is to your benefit. You should at least have RR to all cities. If so I would run as many units as needed to whack the invasion and start laughing as I reduce the size of their army. I would then start sacking their cities near my borders so they can not use the roads to get around and take the war to them. If I can see any large group of units that would be a priority. I would increase my production of modern armour to make it easier. Typically they will have a fraction of the total units in modern stuff and once you bust those they will have large numbers of junk. I would have nothing but upgraded units, so it will be a cake walk very soon. You see things like if they have 150 units, it will be 10-15 of the latest one and massive numbers of pikemen or spearmen or horsemen or UU. I love it if the UU is an acient one, they will have a tons and they are worthless against tanks. The best way to avoid this problem would have been to thin them out a long time ago. I like to take all civs down a peg or two by the time I am near the top of heap. You can get others to war with them if need be or join in one that is going on. If they lose a few cities early that will keep them from being on equal footing with you.


        • #5
          A couple of suggestions:

          1) It sounds like you have too many defending troops and not enough attackers. What I mean is that you say you've got 5 mech inf and 6 inf in one city. Way, way too much. First off, get those troops to the front lines. Put them in border cities or on good defensive terrain such that they impede the enemy's troops - forcing them onto nice flat ground where you can kill them. Build Tanks, and LOTS of them, instead of mech inf. Attack, attack, attack, even if the "attacks" are picking off units until you can mass enough troops to take down a couple of cities at once. The fact is, static defense (putting lots of good defensive units in your cities) sucks in Civ III. The AI will just pillage the hell out of you, and not attack. It knows when it has no chance of success, and will not pick those fights. So you need offensive defenders to go out and kill the AI's pillaging force.

          2) Artillery misses often, so use it in bunches. I don't really use it on the attack anymore, because my Tanks/Modern Armor (and Cavalry before that) can move much faster. Plus, Bombers can do the job. However, if you have arty lying around, move it up to the areas where the enemy is attacking you, and use it to soften the AI's attackers. Then use your attackers to kill his. This will increase your chances of success in battle, and therefore your chances of promotion/great leaders (not to mention lower casualties).

          3) Finish the English (or make peace) and concentrate on the Iroquois. Are there any other civs out there that you could convince to join you vs. Mr. Hiawatha? The AI has serious problems with two front wars.

          4) Use the AI's quirks against it. You know it will only bomb cities w/o fighters. Ok, move you fighters such that he can only bomb unimportant cities. Or better yet, attack and destroy his bombers on the ground by taking the cities they're based in. You will often find that the AI, like you, will mass a bunch of bombers in one place. Nail that city, and *poof* there goes half (or more) of his airforce.

          5) When you invade, put your troops on good defensive ground (mountains if possible, otherwise hills, jungle, forest...), as the AI stupidly leaves these squares vacant. Move fast, hit hard. If possible, strike at the enemy's core cities. If you have to, put together a naval task force and go whack his capitol (burn it to the ground). That will hurt him badly.

          Good luck.

          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


          • #6
            Ask the other leaders what they want to join you in the war against your opponent. If you don't he will.


            • #7
              Don't forget the tactic about using allies to help you, sign a mutual protection pact (cheaper than alliances) or alliances with a neighbour and give them a Right of Passage, so they can attack your enemy with you.. sometimes they'll take to much of your enemy and you'll not be left with many cities (no point losing all the spoils of war).

              This is good if your enemies nearer your ally too, conquered cities will be less corrupt , being nearer their capitals.

              I've not had experience with Air power, but maybe if you can gain air superiority its an advantage..

              These marines look pretty useful too.

              Don't forget to naval bombard the enemies coasts repeatedly to destroy any coast line resource links.

              Artillery can fire with a range of 2 also, which can help.. you can soften up the enemy well without being in danger of being counterattacked.

              BIG HINT: the computer loves capturing your units- artilerry, exploers, workers. You can sacrifice a cheap cannon or worker by putting it out in the open, so the enemy cavalry etc will take this and not be able to attack your main forces.. you can also draw the enemy into dangerous situations like this where you can easily slaugher them.

              I'm hoping the germans will make good allies in my game.. i've kept them to a thin strip on my conquered continent, their Panzer tanks should help attack my enemies.. I keep them happy by giving them the resources which i've grabbed, and especially happy giving them the latest Technologies.


              • #8
                Ooops double post
                where is my memory chip?
                Last edited by Admiral PJ; January 9, 2002, 22:12.


                • #9
                  As was mentioned those arties can be brought up and make it real tough on attackers. That is why I RR all cities. If you have 8 or more art some place you send them in and drop the attackers HP to 1 and it is a feast for the defenders. Tanks and Meck Inf only late in the game. Mech from Infantry upgrades, no new ones, only tanks. I love it when they send a stack and i swing my atries over and punish them. If I see them in time I get them out in the open. Run the up close and bomb away. I also will have few bombers to call on. But like I said, do not let them get that strong.


                  • #10
                    I have been playing this on island maps. Now I'm playing on continents and then it's good to RR all the cities, then troops can be shifted around fast.

                    I'll try two of the suggestions, heavily garrisoning border cities and using defensive troops in attack. I have, though, sometimes tried Infantry. Great unit, it defends and can pillage that enemy empire very nice.

                    Good suggestions, guys.
                    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                    • #11
                      The most important thing about Modern Warfare is to remove your opponent's capability of holding a counter-offensive. Find ways to pick off their troops that are en route to your cities. In one of my games, this one civ had just killed another civ, and had its troops all over the former civ's territory, which was covered in RR. I declared war on them, razed their newly captured cities (except for the ones that have access to oil or luxuries, so they can't get tanks), and proceeded to kill off their numerous cavalry units with my own tanks.

                      Needless to say, Bombardment will be the most useful tool in Modern Warfare. Despite what everyone says, getting the "Bombardment failed" message when using Artillery appears less often than it seems. The only time when you should be cursing to yourself is when it hits a city improvement other than barracks or misses entirely. In Modern Warfare, City combat is more about taking down the city size, since it can easily give Infantry units 50%-100% more defense, which is hard for Cavalry or even Tanks to punch through.

                      The best Bombardment units in the Industrial Age (that's late enough in the game, right?) would have to be Battleship and Bomber. Simply put, Battleships aren't given enough credit. This unit is a powerhouse! I have never missed a bombardment with it, and seems to take down unit hit points much more than a destroyer or a bomber. A follow up with Marines is good too, since you can attack directly from the sea and is a good unit if you don't have tanks. (Actually, ignore the part about Marines. Amphibious Warfare is just a tech branch above Mass Production and right next to modern warfare and you should have Atomic Theory and Electronics at that point by trading techs. It's just better to go for Modern Warfare and get tanks, providing you have rubber, which seems to be one of the more common strategic resources.) In the Modern Age, well, there isn't really anything new there since the only useful units (that i've found in my experience) are Modern Tank and Mech Infantry. And my games usually don't go that much into the Modern tech in terms of warfare, since its much better to win the game at that point by Space Race or UN.

                      One more thing about modern warfare: more often than not, its better to raze a city than to capture it. Why? Because the cities at the edges or moderately inside enemy territory will have relatively low culture, so razing it won't have a difference in terms of strategic movement. And besides, later on in the game, its a waste of resources to try to hold an enemy city since the AI tends to attack the city relentlessly to liberate the city and you have to continually supply the city with more defenders when instead you could be using those shields to produce more tanks and kill more cities. If the city has a relatively high culture or of strategic importance (such as being between several larger cities), then you should capture the city instead, so you can have some extra movement along their RR network. And try to end the resistance as fast as possible and rush an Airport to start airlifting units in

                      I hope that helps.
                      Why capture when you can raze? :D


                      • #12
                        Good post. Main point is, Battleship is a powerful unit. I also discovered its power, very formidable, with ranged powerful bombing, too.
                        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                        • #13
                          I don't do a lot of attacking in my games, but I do a lot of defending. Usually I'll expand to the point where my palace and forbidden palace cover enough space to give me a good economy and then go to war over a resource if I have to.

                          I almost NEVER place more than ONE defender in each city on my island/continent unless it is on a border. I keep a decent sized navy (one per costal city, in port), and a decent number of fast attack units in the capitol, backed by artillery.

                          Assuming you control your entire landmass, this is more than enough to stop almost any attack. I've never seen the computer use marines, so once the enemy force lands I move my artillery into position and bomb away, followed by a charge from the massed fast attackers. You don't even need the tanks/cavalry, you can just conscript enough infantry or rifleman to take them out, providing you have enough artillery that is.

                          The main annoyance is the bombardment of your city tiles, which is easily combated by artillery/bombers followed by the one garrisoned destroyer/ironclad. I might consider using two defenders if I were in a communist government, but anything more than that is a waste of money.

                          Defending is easy. As for attacking, The above strategies are sound. You need a good mix of offensive and defensive. Take as many defenders as you did attackers, and add a defender for each city you are planning on taking.

                          As for ancient era fighting, I am a big proponent of swordsmen. I will generally attack with massed swordsmen/hopalites/catapults, and leave my horsemen garrisoned in border cities to combat counterattacks. I build plenty of warriors in the beginning and upgrade them for a hefty 8-10 unit shock force and back those up with 4-5 catapults, 5-6 hopalites and a few horsemen to guard against the counterattack.

                          Hope this helps.


                          • #14
                            Good post, Blitzer, but doesn't work on large/huge maps with continents, or else you have to be an extreme war monger in the ancient/medieval eras, taking out all others, do you?

                            I use to take 2 defenders per city and upgrade them alternately: first 2 spearmen, then 1 to pikeman, the remaining spearman to musketman, the pikeman to rifleman and so on. This has the benefit that you can move 1 unit out if necessary (e.g. if there is war and shortage on the borders), increases your total unit count and the AI will consider your military strong, be mostly polite, and will not demand tribute or move forces over your territory without RoP. The upkeep money doesn't really matter, assuming you are a good resource/tech trader.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Blitzer
                              As for ancient era fighting, I am a big proponent of swordsmen. I will generally attack with massed swordsmen/hopalites/catapults, and leave my horsemen garrisoned in border cities to combat counterattacks. I build plenty of warriors in the beginning and upgrade them for a hefty 8-10 unit shock force and back those up with 4-5 catapults, 5-6 hopalites and a few horsemen to guard against the counterattack.
                              If you have enough catapults to get defenders hp down to 1 or 2 hp, swordsmen do just as well(actually better when attacking 1hp unit) as horsemen. However, moving a stack of catapults and swordsmen is very slow. I only make major use of swordsmen if I don't have horses, and then it is in a specific war to gain horses. Having a few swordsmen along with a horsemen army attacking can help crack a tough city if all your horsmen have to retreat and the city is just left with 1 or 2 weak defenders. This way your horseman+swordsman army could be a little smaller than your horseman army otherwise. It doesn't matter if you are trying to wipe everything out, but if your goals are limited this would be good.

