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Ho-hum ending?

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  • Ho-hum ending?

    I finally ended a game on a huge map and the ending was a disappointment.

    Basically, you don't get anything except a different wisecrack screen.

    Given that the game can be so long, is there some way to make the ending more satisfying?

    (Is the ending different for each victory condition or something, for example?)

  • #2
    You get a movie with the spaceship victory, a victory screen with the military victory, but with all other victory types you only get a pop-up.

    Then theres the replay, the 'Dan Quale' screen and such.

    Not sure why Firaxis didnt include a video for each victory type though.
    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


    • #3
      I got domination victory before getting the spaceship, but I just got the Dan Quayle screen.


      • #4
        You could go out and buy a beer to celebrate.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Grim Legacy
          You could go out and buy a beer to celebrate.

          YEEHAA!! Now there's a goss idea!!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Skanky Burns
            You get a movie with the spaceship victory, a victory screen with the military victory, but with all other victory types you only get a pop-up.

            Then theres the replay, the 'Dan Quale' screen and such.

            Not sure why Firaxis didnt include a video for each victory type though.
            To me, it's sounding more and more like Infrogames just didn't give them enough time to finish the project. I keep hearing of a number of things that just don't sound complete. Like why have a movie for some victories but not others? It doesn't make sense. Unless they planned to put them in but didn't get the chance to develop them. For instance, check out the Jackal file. It has a number of references to Multiplayer yet there isn't that capacity in the game. And if what I'm reading is correct, they didn't even get around to play testing the Modern Era. More and more it's starting to sound like this is an unfinished product, pushed out the door by the beancounters at Infrogames. That would also explain why Firaxis is keeping such a low profile here. They're no doubt hopelessly embarassed at not being able to put the final touches on it.

