The loss of ZOC makes defense very difficult. You must create a defensive line and the AI just has to concentrate all it's attacks on the weakest stack to break through. Once it's through it can spread out and wreak havoc. A hexagonal grid would have made life a bit easier, but it wouldn't really solve anything.
Also, the 1-1 attack is infuriating. Your battleship is incapable of stopping three galleys because it can only attack one of them before "expending it's ammo".
And there is still the anachronism of e.g. longbowmen taking out tanks.
OK, you can attack instead of defending, but it plays havoc with your economy and brings down your democracy (see http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...threadid=39088 ).
I know, Civ isn't supposed to be a wargame, but face it, to a large extent it is
